Home Bulls Gabapentin (neurontin)

Gabapentin (neurontin)


Gabapentin is an oral anticonvulsant remedy, known commercially as Neurontin or Progresse, used to treat epilepsy in adults and children over 12 years old.

Neurontin is produced by the Pfizer laboratory and can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of capsules or tablets.

Neurontin Price

The price of Neurontin varies between 39 to 170 reais.

Neurontin indications

Neurontin is indicated for the treatment of epilepsy in adults and children from 12 years old and for the treatment of neuropathic pain, which is pain due to an injury or malfunction of the nerves or nervous system, in adults.

How to use Neurontin

The use of Neurontin must be guided by the doctor according to the purpose of the treatment.

Side effects of Neurontin

Side effects of Neurontin include feeling sick, tired, fever, headache, low back pain, belly pain, swelling in the face, viral infection, chest pain, palpitation, increased blood pressure, dry mouth or throat, feeling sick, vomiting, gas in the stomach or intestines, poor appetite, poor digestion, constipation, diarrhea, increased appetite, inflammation of the gums, pancreatitis, decreased number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood, increased or decreased blood sugar, yellowish skin and color, inflammation of the liver, enlarged breasts, muscle pain, joint pain, ringing in the ear, mental confusion, hallucinations, memory loss, drowsiness or insomnia, nervousness, tremor, dizziness, vertigo, lack of coordination of movements, difficulty in articulating words, sudden and involuntary movements of the arms and legs, muscle spasms, depression, involuntary movement d eyes, anxiety, change in gait, falling, loss of consciousness, decreased vision, double vision, cough, inflammation of the pharynx or nose, pneumonia, acne, itching, skin rashes, hair loss, swelling of the body due to allergic reaction, impotence, urinary tract infection, kidney failure and urinary incontinence.

Contraindications for Neurontin

Neurontin is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula and in children under 12 years of age. This medicine should not be used by pregnant women or diabetics without medical advice.

Gabapentin (neurontin)