Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome

Home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome


Chamomile suchá and passion fruit vitamin are excellent home remedies for sufferers with irritable bowel syndrome, as they contain foods with calming properties that help to relax and avoid the symptoms of those who have irritable bowel syndrome such as stomach pains, diarrhea or constipation.

However, in addition to using these remedies, it is necessary to eat a diet low in caffeine, alcohol, sugars and fats as they are substances that irritate the intestine and aggravate symptoms. Find out which foods are best for irritable bowel.

1. Chamomile and passion fruit suchá

Chamomile tea is a mixture of chamomile tea and passion fruit juice that has powerful calming properties that help to reduce bowel movements, relieving symptoms and the frequency of attacks.


  • 1 cup of passion fruit1 cup of chamomile tea

Method of preparation

Beat the passion fruit pulp in the blender with the chamomile tea. Drink suchá twice a day, preferably with a snack and before going to sleep.

2. Passion fruit vitamin

The passion fruit vitamin is good for irritable bowel syndrome because yogurt has good bacteria that help regulate bowel function. In addition, passion fruit has a calming effect that helps to relax the mind, avoiding stress and reducing the appearance of irritable bowel attacks.


  • 1 passion fruit pulp1 natural yogurt

Method of preparation

Beat the yogurt with the passion fruit pulp in a blender and drink it for breakfast.

To know more about this problem, watch this video:

Home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome