Home Bulls Natural cholesterol-lowering remedy

Natural cholesterol-lowering remedy


A great cholesterol-lowering remedy is garlic juice with acerola and avocado, as it contains properties that help prevent excess bad cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.

In addition, acerola is rich in antioxidants due to vitamin C, avoiding the negative effects of cholesterol on the patient's body.

This natural cholesterol-lowering remedy should not be a substitute for medical treatment, serving only to help control high cholesterol.

https://static.tuasaude.com/media/article/da/dd/remedio-natural-para-baixar-o-colesterol_19773_l.jpg ">


  • It is a great way to add flavor and flavor to your dishes.

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a blender and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Take up to 2 times a day after lunch and dinner.

In addition to this natural cholesterol-lowering remedy, the patient must eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Watch the following video and also find out what foods you should eat to keep your cholesterol levels healthy:

Natural cholesterol-lowering remedy