Home Home-Remedies Natural remedy for oxyurus

Natural remedy for oxyurus


An excellent natural remedy to combat oxyworm worms is garlic ( Allium Sativum L. ) Because it contains anthelmintic properties, being useful in case of worms such as ascaris lumbricoides and vermicular enterobius, being particularly indicated for treatment in children.

Garlic is a natural vermifuge, but it can cause an upset stomach if consumed on an empty stomach. To reduce this discomfort it is recommended to take this home remedy close to mealtime.


  • 1 clove garlic, chopped

Method of preparation

Place the garlic cloves in a pan together with the water and boil for 10 minutes. When warm, strain and drink next. It is recommended to take this home remedy 3 times a day for 3 consecutive weeks, for the complete elimination of the worm.

Other ways to take advantage of the medicinal properties of garlic are to consume 1 clove of raw garlic a day, take 1 capsule of garlic oil or garlic water, which consists of soaking 3 cloves of garlic in a glass of water all night and take this fasting water daily.

However, in case of oxyurus infestation, garlic does not exclude the treatment indicated by the doctor, and it is also necessary that all people close to the person who has worms, follow the same treatment.

Natural remedy for oxyurus