Home Home-Remedies Natural remedy for constipation

Natural remedy for constipation


An excellent natural remedy for constipation is to eat a tangerine daily, preferably for breakfast. Mandarin is a fruit rich in fiber that helps to increase the fecal cake, facilitating the exit of feces.

Another option is to eat an orange with bagasse because it has the same effect, helping the digestive system to work better and to reduce the discomfort caused by constipation. To eat the orange with bagasse, you can peel the fruit off with the knife and then slice the orange, keeping the white part. It is this white part that is rich in fibers, so it cannot be discarded.

Both tangerine and orange with pomace are good natural options to loosen the intestine and can be used at all ages, even by babies. But in addition, it is also important to drink about 2 liters of water a day to keep the fecal cake properly hydrated, which is also essential for regular elimination.

Feed to loosen the gut

Those who suffer from a trapped intestine should prefer to consume foods with a laxative effect daily, in addition to avoiding the foods that trap the intestine. Some examples of foods with a laxative effect are pumpkin, chard, watercress, lettuce, plum, oats, broccoli, bertalha, whole grain biscuit, persimmon, whole grains, kale, spinach, peas, wheat bran, beans, okra, papaya, orange with bagasse, mandarin, grape with peel, green beans and vegetables in general. Constipating foods are: cassava, bananas, potatoes, cashews, yams, cooked carrots, black tea, rice cream, guava, yams, apples, mate, lemon and soft drinks.

Other important guidelines include eating in a quiet place, slowly and chewing your food well. One should also always respect the urge to poop, avoiding holding back, exercising regularly and only taking laxative drugs under medical advice, because when they are misused they can aggravate constipation.

Laxative vitamin

If the above guidelines are not enough, you can take the following vitamin:


  • 5 prunes (pitted) half a glass of water1 tablespoon of rolled oats 1 pear orange (without peel, without seed and with pomace) 1 slice of papaya (without peel and without seed)

Method of preparation

The day before preparation, put the 5 plums soak in the water inside the refrigerator. Put all the ingredients, including the water that the plum soaked, in a blender, beat well, and then take it without straining.

Natural remedy for constipation