Home Home-Remedies Natural remedy for rhinitis

Natural remedy for rhinitis


An excellent natural remedy for allergic rhinitis is the pineapple juice with watercress, as the watercress and pineapple have mucolytic properties that help in the elimination of secretions that are formed during the rhinitis crisis.

The watercress can also be eaten raw, if washed well, in a good salad at every meal as long as the individual feels the discomfort of rhinitis. Discover more watercress advantages.

In addition, pineapple is a fruit that strengthens the immune system and is rich in vitamin C and potent antioxidants that help reduce the symptoms of inflammation caused by rhinitis, such as sneezing, runny nose and itchy nose, for example.


  • 1 glass of pure pineapple juice, 1 glass of watercress leaves.

Method of preparation

Beat the food in a blender and drink immediately. This watercress juice should be taken twice a day for the duration of rhinitis symptoms.

Other tips to fight rhinitis

Some tips that can help in the fight against rhinitis are:

  • Avoid very dusty places and smoke; Use cotton fabrics instead of wool or synthetics; Avoid having animals with fur inside the house; Avoid curtains and carpets because they accumulate a lot of dust; Clean the walls at least twice a year to eliminate fungi.

Some individuals must also perform a food intolerance test because there are certain foods that are not well tolerated by the body, causing rhinitis. This occurs especially in individuals who suffer from allergies and who have respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, for example. See how the Treatment for Allergic Rhinitis is done.

For other examples of rhinitis treatment read:

Natural remedy for rhinitis