Home Home-Remedies Natural anti-allergic remedies

Natural anti-allergic remedies


Allergy can be treated with antihistamine remedies prescribed by the doctor, but home remedies prepared with medicinal plants also help to combat allergies.

Two good examples of medicinal plants that are indicated to treat allergies are plantain and elderberry. See how to use them below.

Home remedy for allergy with plantain

A great home remedy for respiratory allergy is to take plantain tea, scientific name Plantago major L, daily.


  • 500 ml boiling water15 g plantain leaves

Method of preparation

Boil the water and then add the herb. Cover, let cool, strain and drink next. It is recommended to take 2 cups of this tea a day.

Plantain has expectorant properties that help in removing secretions typical of respiratory allergies, such as rhinitis and sinusitis, for example.

In case of skin allergy, you must apply the poultice with the crushed plantain leaves and let them act for 10 minutes. Then throw them away and apply new crumpled sheets. Repeat the operation 3 to 4 times a day. Plantain also has properties that reduce skin irritation and, therefore, can be used after prolonged sun exposure and burns, for example.

Homemade remedy for allergy with Elderberries

A great homemade solution to fight allergies is elderberry tea. The elderberry acts on the adrenal gland and facilitates the body's response, fighting the allergic reaction.


1 spoon of dried elderberry flowers

1 cup boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the elderberry flowers to the cup with boiling water, cover and allow to warm. Strain and drink next.

Elderberry flower can be found in health food stores or in the hypermarket health products section. For this tea it is advisable to use dried elderberry flowers sold, as the fresh leaves have toxic properties that are harmful to health.

Natural anti-allergic remedies