Home Home-Remedies Teas to control anxiety and sleep better

Teas to control anxiety and sleep better


Great home remedies for relieving anxiety are taking passion fruit juice or chamomile tea with lemon balm as soon as the first symptoms of crisis appear, such as a feeling of tightness in the chest, lack of concentration and always thinking about the same situation.

These home remedies are good for fighting anxiety because they have sedative properties that help to calm the nervous system and can be consumed by children over 2 years old. Check out the recipes:

1. Passion fruit juice

An excellent home remedy to end anxiety and nervousness is to drink passion fruit juice daily. This fruit seems to act directly on the brain, increasing levels of GABA, an important inhibitory neurotransmitter responsible for regulating brain activity, decreasing anxiety and even decreasing insomnia.


  • 100 ml of water; 100 ml of passion fruit pulp; Honey to taste.

Method of preparation

To make this juice, you need to beat the passion fruit pulp with the seeds in the blender for just 3 seconds. Then, strain the seeds, add the water and honey to taste. For this home remedy for anxiety to work it is important to drink this juice regularly.

2. Chamomile tea with lemon balm

Chamomile, as well as lemon balm, are plants popularly known for being soothing and in several studies they seem to quickly reduce symptoms of anxiety, even in cases of anxiety disorders. However, these plants do not seem to prevent the appearance of new crises


  • 1 teaspoon of chamomile, 1 teaspoon of lemon balm.

Method of preparation

To prepare the tea, simply place the herbs in a cup, cover with boiling water and cover. Expect to warm up, strain and drink next, several times a day.

Check out other natural tips for anxiety in the video:

The crises of extreme anxiety can harm the individual's family and social life as well as their studies or work and therefore anyone who suffers from this type of anxiety should seek medical help because there are anxiolytic remedies that can be used.

Teas to control anxiety and sleep better