Home Home-Remedies Home remedies to lower uric acid

Home remedies to lower uric acid


An excellent home remedy to control uric acid is to regularly drink beet juice with carrots because it contains water and substances that help to lower the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Other natural options are nettle tea, apply arnica ointment daily, and apply poultice from a plant called comfrey, because these medicinal herbs have properties that help in the recovery of the affected joint, bringing relief from symptoms.

1. Beet juice with carrots

An excellent home remedy for uric acid is the combined juice of beets, carrots, cucumbers and watercress. The ingredients in these juices have properties that help eliminate excess uric acid from the body, and can be a great therapeutic complement for gout and arthritis.


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Method of preparation

Pass each of the ingredients through the centrifuge and drink the juice right away, so you don't lose its medicinal properties. Take this nutrient concentrate daily in the morning, on an empty stomach, and after 3 weeks repeat the blood test to check the effect on uric acid reduction.

2. Nettle tea

Another home remedy for uric acid is nettle tea that has an anti-inflammatory effect, which stimulates circulation and reduces local swelling.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried nettle leaves150 ml boiling water

Method of preparation

Place the water on the dry leaves and let it steep for 20 minutes, then strain and take several times a day.

3. Arnica ointment

Arnica ointment is great to be applied to painful skin due to bruises, blows or purple marks because it relieves muscle pain very efficiently.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of chopped arnica flowers.


In a water bath place the ingredients in a pan and boil over low heat for a few minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the ingredients in the pan for a few hours to steep. Before it cools, you should strain and store the liquid part in containers with a lid. That should always be kept in a dry, dark and airy place.

4. Comfrey poultice

The poultice prepared with comfrey helps in the recovery of painful joints and reduces local swelling, because this plant has an active principle called choline that prevents the formation of edema and favors the blood circulation of the injured tissue. Allantoin and mistletoe stimulate cell growth and tissue regeneration, while tannins have an antimicrobial effect.


  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of the powdered comfrey root, 1 piece of fabric that can cover the desired area, enough warm water to form a paste


Mix the powder with water carefully until it forms a paste, place on the clean cloth and apply directly to the area you want to treat. Leave for 2 hours.

Attention: This preparation should not be used on open wounds because it can be toxic and cause skin irritation, liver problems and promote the development of cancer.

The uric acid diet also involves not eating foods that promote increased production of uric acid, such as red meat, liver, kidneys, sausages, seafood, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas or soybeans, as well as refined sugar, alcoholic beverages, eggs and sweets in general. See how food can also help:

Home remedies to lower uric acid