Home Home-Remedies 3 Teas to combat fluid retention and deflate

3 Teas to combat fluid retention and deflate


Teas, by themselves, already increase urine production and, therefore, everyone can help fight fluid retention, fighting body swelling. However, certain medicinal plants when used in the form of tea have an excellent draining effect, such as fennel, mackerel or rosemary, for example.

However, any tea, when used for more than 1 week, should be indicated by the doctor since some, especially the draining ones, can cause changes in the balance of minerals, which can end up affecting health. See other natural ways to combat fluid retention.

1. Fennel tea

A great home remedy to end fluid retention is fennel tea, as it has substances that help eliminate excess fluids in the cells through urine.


  • 1 tablespoon of fennel, 1 cup water

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in a pan and boil for 5 minutes. Then cover, let cool and strain. Drink tea 3 times a day, between meals. The mixture can be sweetened with 1 spoon of honey.

Fennel tea is also an excellent option for those suffering from constipation and excess intestinal gas, as the plant has properties that involuntary contractions of the intestine, facilitating its functioning and eliminating feces.

2. Horsetail tea

Another good home remedy for water retention, characterized by body swelling, is to drink horsetail tea because this medicinal plant has diuretic properties that favor the production of urine, eliminating excess fluids from the body.


  • 1 tablespoon (1 cup) boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the mackerel in the boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes, properly covered. Filter and drink next. You can have up to 3 cups of horsetail tea a day.

Horsetail should not be consumed for more than 7 days, either during pregnancy or in case of heart or kidney failure.

3. Rosemary tea

Rosemary is another plant with excellent diuretic properties that can be used to decrease fluid retention in the body. However, it should be avoided in children, in women who are pregnant and men with prostate problems.


  • This is a great way to add some flavor to your dish, or just add some salt and pepper.

Method of preparation

Place the leaves inside the cup with the boiling water and wait for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, filter the preparation and consume. This tea can be used between 2 to 3 times a day.

In some people, rosemary can cause stomach upset when consumed in excess and therefore should also be avoided by those with gastrointestinal problems.

To increase the effect of the home remedy, it is also important to decrease your salt intake and do regular physical activity, such as walking, for example. See other tips from our nutritionist:

3 Teas to combat fluid retention and deflate