Home Home-Remedies 3 home remedies for sinusitis: teas and other options

3 home remedies for sinusitis: teas and other options


An excellent home remedy for sinusitis is to clean the nose and sinuses with a mixture of warm water and salt, as it helps to eliminate excess secretions and reduces inflammation, relieving symptoms such as pain and pressure on the face. Here's how to do this type of nose wash.

However, if it is not possible to clean the nose or if you prefer another type of treatment, there are other natural options, such as nebulization with eucalyptus, nettle juice or chamomile tea, which can complete the treatment indicated by the doctor.

These remedies can be used for about 2 weeks, but if there is no improvement in symptoms after 7 days, it is recommended to consult the general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist to assess the problem and identify whether there is a need to start using more specific remedies. Know the pharmacy remedies most used to treat sinusitis.

1. Home remedy for acute sinusitis

A good home remedy for acute sinusitis, which appears from one moment to the next, is to inhale the eucalyptus vapor because it has expectorant and antiseptic properties, quickly relieving nasal congestion.

However, there are some people who may be more sensitive to the essential oil released by eucalyptus, in which case there may be a worsening of symptoms. If this happens, avoid this inhalation.


  • 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil; 1 teaspoon of salt; 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place the boiling water in a bowl and add the drops of the essential oil with the salt. Then cover the head and the bowl, inhaling the steam from the tea. It is important to breathe the steam as deeply as possible for up to 10 minutes, repeating 2 to 3 times a day.

If essential oil is not available at home, it is also possible to inhale it by dipping some eucalyptus leaves in boiling water, as the plant's natural oil will be transported by water vapor.

2. Home remedy for allergic sinusitis

A good home remedy for allergic sinusitis can be the mint juice with nettle, as it has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and decongestant properties that help to reduce irritation and eliminate secretions, relieving the symptoms of sinusitis caused by an allergic reaction..


  • 5 g of nettle leaves; 15 g of mint; 1 cup of coconut water; 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus honey.

Method of preparation

Put the nettle leaves to cook in a pan with water. Then, place the cooked leaves, together with the mint, coconut water and honey in a blender and beat until a smooth juice is obtained. Drink 2 times a day, between meals.

It is very important to cook the nettle leaves before using, as in its natural form the nettle causes an allergic reaction, only losing this ability after it is cooked.

3. Home remedy for childhood sinusitis

Water vapor is in itself an excellent home remedy for sinusitis, as it helps to increase the temperature of the upper respiratory tract, relieving discomfort. However, it is also possible to inhale the vapor with chamomile, since this plant has excellent calming properties and is not contraindicated for children.

Inhalation should always be done under adult supervision, even if the child has already taken other previous inhalations, as there is a serious risk of burns.


  • 6 teaspoons of chamomile flowers; 1.5 to 2 liters of water.

Method of preparation

Boil the water and then add the tea. Then place the child's face on the bowl and cover the head with a towel. The child should be asked to breathe the vapor for at least 10 minutes.

Before sleeping, you can also put 2 drops of lemon essential oil on the pillow to help you sleep better.

Check out other options for home remedies for sinusitis:

3 home remedies for sinusitis: teas and other options