Home Home-Remedies 3 Home remedies for allergic cough

3 Home remedies for allergic cough


Some medicinal plants that can be used as a home remedy for allergic cough, characterized by a dry cough that lasts many days, are nettle, rosemary, also known as sundew, and plantain. These plants have properties that reduce itchy throat and reduce the effects of allergy on the respiratory system.

Allergic cough is irritating and can cause a sore throat when the person has this symptom for many days. Taking a sip of water and sucking on ginger or peppermint candies, for example, can help keep your throat properly hydrated, decreasing the frequency of cough. However, if the cough does not go away and is accompanied by fever and shortness of breath I need to see a general practitioner to find out the cause of this symptom. See more what causes and how to treat allergic cough.

In addition, allergic cough without any other associated symptom can be relieved with the use of syrup that can be bought at the pharmacy or you can prepare some type of tea with medicinal plant, such as:

1. Nettle tea

A good home remedy for allergic cough can be nettle tea. Nettle is a medicinal plant widely used as a detoxifier, also offering natural and soothing results against allergies.


  • 1 tablespoon of nettle leaves; 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation

Put the water with the nettle leaves in a pan and boil for 5 minutes. Then let it cool and strain the mixture. A spoon of honey can be added to sweeten the tea. Drink 2 cups a day.

Nettle tea should not be taken by pregnant women, due to the risk of causing problems in the baby, and is not indicated for people who have kidney failure or heart problems, as it can worsen the symptoms of these conditions.

2. Rosemary tea

An excellent home remedy for allergic cough is rorela tea, as this medicinal plant has been used for many years to treat lung problems, such as cough. It has a substance, called plumbago, which is soothing in various types of cough.


  • 2 g of dry rosemary, 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

To prepare this tea, add the rosemary in a cup of boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink up to 3 cups of the mixture per day. Know other home remedies for dry cough.

3. Plantain tea

A great home remedy for allergic cough is the plantain infusion. It is a medicinal plant that soothes the inflamed membranes of the lungs, being indicated for asthma attacks, bronchitis and different types of cough. Discover other benefits of plantain.


  • 1 plantain leaf sachet, 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Place the plantain sachet in a cup of boiling water. Let stand for 5 minutes and drink 1 to 3 cups of the mixture per day, between meals.

See the causes of cough and how to prepare cough syrups and juices in the following video:

3 Home remedies for allergic cough