Home Home-Remedies Cough in pregnancy: 3 safe home remedies (and how to do it)

Cough in pregnancy: 3 safe home remedies (and how to do it)


The home remedies suitable for fighting cough with phlegm in pregnancy are those that contain safe substances for this period of a woman's life, such as honey, ginger, lemon or thyme, for example, which soothe the throat and help eliminate phlegm, relieving cough.

Cough remedies that are not natural, should be avoided as much as possible during pregnancy, however, if necessary, they should always be indicated by the obstetrician, as most drugs are not safe due to lack of scientific evidence or because they cross the placenta, affecting the baby.

1. Ginger, honey and lemon syrup

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that facilitate the elimination of phlegm, and lemon is rich in vitamin C, which improves the body's defenses and helps fight infections.


  • 5 tablespoons of honey; 1 g of ginger; 1 lemon with peel; 1/2 glass of water.

Method of preparation

Cut the lemon into cubes, slice the ginger and then put all the ingredients in a pan to boil. After boiling, cover until cool, strain and take 1 tablespoon of this natural syrup, 2 times a day.

Although there is some controversy surrounding the use of ginger, there are no studies that prove its negative effect on pregnancy, and there are even some studies that point to its safety. Still, the ideal is to avoid passing the dose of 1 gram of ginger root per day, for up to 4 days in a row. In this case, the syrup contains 1 gram of ginger, but it is divided over several days.

2. Honey and onion syrup

The resins that the onion releases have expectorant and antimicrobial properties and honey helps to loosen expectoration.


  • 1 large onion; honey.

Method of preparation

Finely chop a large onion, cover with honey and heat in a covered pan over low heat for 40 minutes. Then, the preparation should be kept in a glass bottle, in the refrigerator. You can take half a teaspoon every 15 to 30 minutes, until the cough has subsided.

3. Thyme and honey syrup

Thyme helps to eliminate sputum and relax the respiratory tract and honey also helps to preserve syrup and soothe an irritated throat.


  • 1 tablespoon of dry thyme; 250 ml of honey; 500 ml of water.

Method of preparation

Boil the water, add the thyme, cover and leave to infuse until cool and then strain and add the honey. If necessary, the mixture can be heated to help dissolve the honey.

In addition to these home remedies, the pregnant woman can also inhale vapors and drink hot drinks with a little honey. In addition, you should also avoid cold, heavily polluted or dusty places in the air, as these factors tend to make your cough worse. Find out more about how to fight cough in pregnancy and see if the cough harms the baby.

When to go to the doctor

If the cough does not stop or relieve in about 3 days or if other symptoms such as fever, sweat and chills are present, the pregnant woman should inform the obstetrician, as they may be signs of complications, such as an infection, and it may be necessary to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

Cough in pregnancy: 3 safe home remedies (and how to do it)