Home Home-Remedies 3 Home remedies for dry cough

3 Home remedies for dry cough


A good home remedy for dry cough is to take a tea prepared with medicinal plants that have soothing properties, which reduce throat irritation, and anti-allergic, because this helps to calm the cough naturally.

If the dry cough persists for more than 2 weeks a medical consultation is advised, as this symptom may be related to an allergy or other lung disease and the doctor may order further tests to find out the cause of the cough and prescribe other types of medication, such as an antihistamine to fight allergy, which consequently treats allergy and relieves dry cough. See more what can be dry cough that does not pass.

Another option is to take a codeine-based medicine, which you can buy at the pharmacy, as it blocks the cough reflex, but it should not be taken if you have a phlegm cough. However, home-made, warm and herbal teas remain a good option, such as:

1. Mint tea

Mint has antiseptic, mild tranquilizer and analgesic properties, mainly at the local level and in the mucous membranes of the digestive system.


  • 1 teaspoon of dried or fresh mint leaves, 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Method of preparation

Boil the water and then add the chopped mint leaves to the cup, then let it stand for 5 minutes. Then strain and drink, sweetened with honey. See other benefits of mint.

2. Alteia tea

Alteia has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties that can help to calm coughs.


  • 150 mL of water; 10 g of alteia roots.

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients together in a container and let it rest for 90 minutes. Stir frequently and then strain. Take this warm tea several times a day, as long as the symptoms persist. See what the high plant is for.

3. Pansy tea

Another good home remedy for dry cough is to drink the pansy tea because this medicinal plant has a calming property that helps to calm the cough and also strengthens the immune system.


  • 1 tablespoon of pansy, 1 cup of boiling water;

Method of preparation

Add the pansy leaves to the boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain and drink warm tea sweetened with honey.

Find out other recipes easy to prepare and very effective in fighting cough in the following video:

3 Home remedies for dry cough