Home Home-Remedies Home remedies for vomiting

Home remedies for vomiting


Some great options for home remedies to block vomiting are taking teas, such as basil, chard or worm tea, because they have soothing properties that work by decreasing muscle contractions that cause vomiting, in addition to reducing nausea.

Basil tea has antispasmodic properties that relieve constipation and reduce bloating in the belly. This tea also has calming properties and can be used in case of agitation, nervousness, sleep disturbances and even to improve the mood.

1. Basil tea


  • 20 g of fresh basil leaves1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Bring the ingredients to a boil for 10 minutes, then cool and strain.

To reduce vomiting and nausea it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 cups of this tea a day. A good tip is to drink basil tea before a trip, to avoid nausea.

2. Swiss chard tea

The natural remedy for vomiting with chard has properties that aid digestion, emptying the stomach and reducing vomiting.


  • 1/2 cup of chard leaves / 2 cup water

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a blender and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then drink a tablespoon of the medicine every 8 hours.

3. Wormwood tea

The natural remedy for vomiting with wormwood has digestive and tonic properties that stimulate digestion and reduce gastric inflammation, relieving stomach, intestine and vomiting pains.


  • 5 g of leaves and flowers of losna250 ml of water

Method of preparation

Macerate the leaves and flowers and then add the boiling water. Allow to cool, strain and drink 1 cup after lunch and another after dinner.

Tips to avoid the urge to vomit while traveling

Vomiting and nausea can easily arise during a trip, but good tips to avoid them are:

  • Travel at night and enjoy the time to sleep; Open the car or bus window and breathe fresh air; Sleep well in the night before the trip; Keep your head still and look straight ahead, avoiding looking sideways or trying to enjoy the landscape; prefer to travel in the front seat, where you can always look straight ahead; do not read or use your cell phone while traveling; do not smoke before or during the trip.

If you feel sick and want to vomit, you can suck on ice or chew gum. The pharmacist may also recommend taking an anti-vomiting medication such as Dramin, for example.

Home remedies for vomiting