- 1. Solution with lactic acid and salicylic acid
- 2. Keratolytic creams
- 3. Dressings and protective adhesives
- Home Remedies
The callus treatment can be done at home, through the application of keratolytic solutions, which gradually eliminate the thick skin layers that form the painful calluses and calluses. In addition, it is also important to prevent their appearance, through the use of dressings in the regions where there may be more friction between the toes and shoes, for example or with the daily application of creams with urea.
Some examples of remedies and creams that can be used to remove and prevent corns and calluses are:
1. Solution with lactic acid and salicylic acid
Solutions with lactic acid and salicylic acid have a keratolytic action and, therefore, promote skin peeling, helping to eliminate callus day after day. The product should be applied to the callus, in 4 layers, after washing the area well with warm water and protecting the skin around the callus, with adhesive or petroleum jelly, for example. These products must be applied daily.
Some examples of remedies with salicylic acid and lactic acid in the composition are:
- Calotrat; Kalonat; Duofilm; Verrux.
When the callus or callus begins to loosen from the skin, it is recommended to immerse the region in warm water, so that its removal is facilitated.
These products are contraindicated for diabetics, people with circulatory problems in the limbs, children under 2 years of age, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.
2. Keratolytic creams
There are creams that, although not as effective as the previous solutions, also help to remove and prevent the appearance of corns and calluses. Therefore, they are a great complement to the treatment with salicylic acid and lactic acid solutions and a great option for people who cannot use these products.
Some examples of these creams are:
- Ureadin 20% Isdin; Ureadin Rx 40 Isdin; Nutraplus 20 Galderma; Uremol Sesderma; Iso-urea La Roche Posay.
These creams act as moisturizers, emollients and keratolytics, reducing calluses and also thickened areas of the hands, elbows, knees and feet.
3. Dressings and protective adhesives
Callus protective dressings have the function of protecting the constant friction of corns and calluses. These adhesives have a material made by a foam that cushions and protects against friction, with or without a hole in the middle, to give more space for the callus.
Some examples of brands that market these products are:
- Mercurochrome; 3M Nexcare; Needs.
These adhesives can be placed on the calluses or in regions prone to their formation.
Home Remedies
There are some simple measures that can be done at home to assist the removal of corns and calluses, such as dipping the corns in warm water, rubbing gently with a pumice stone or sandpaper and then moisturizing and wearing comfortable shoes that do not tighten too much the feet.
Learn how to optimize these measures at home.