- 1. Viral conjunctivitis
- 2. Bacterial conjunctivitis
- 3. Allergic conjunctivitis
- Home remedy for conjunctivitis
Knowing the type of conjunctivitis in question is very important to carry out the treatment correctly and prevent the disease from getting worse. The most used remedies are eye drops for conjunctivitis, which must be used under medical prescription.
In addition, some tips to assist in the treatment of conjunctivitis are:
- Keep your eyes clean and dry; Avoid touching your eyes with your hands; Avoid sun exposure or bright light; Use sterile saline to wash your eyes; Use disposable tissues or compresses to dry your eyes; Wash your hands with water and soap several times a day and always before and after cleaning your eyes;
Inflammation of the conjunctiva can be caused by various agents such as allergens, air pollution, bacteria or viruses, which can cause symptoms such as eye pain, itching, redness and tearing of the eyeball, swelling of the eyelids and sometimes infection, fever, headache. head and insomnia.
Treatment depends on the causative agent of conjunctivitis and consists of the application of eye drops with antibiotics, corticosteroids or antihistamines:
1. Viral conjunctivitis
A good remedy for viral conjunctivitis is saline that helps to clean your eyes and keep them moist. Generally, viral conjunctivitis does not require specific treatment, however, in some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of lubricating eye drops.
In severe cases, in which the vision may be affected or in which the conjunctivitis lasts for a long time, it may be necessary to resort to the use of corticosteroids or topical immunomodulators, however, one must be very careful with the use of these drugs, to do not aggravate the situation.
2. Bacterial conjunctivitis
The remedies used for bacterial conjunctivitis are eye drops, such as Maxitrol or Garasone, which have antibiotics associated with corticosteroids, which act to fight infection and relieve symptoms such as eye discomfort, inflammation and redness, however, this type of medicine should only be used under medical advice.
Know how to identify the symptoms of a bacterial conjunctivitis.
3. Allergic conjunctivitis
The remedies most used to treat allergic conjunctivitis are anti-allergic eye drops with antihistamine properties, which will reduce the production of histamine and consequently reduce symptoms such as itching, swelling and redness, as is the case with Visadron or Zaditen, for example.
However, for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis to be effective, it is important to identify what caused the allergy, in order to avoid contact again. Here's how to identify the symptoms of an allergic conjunctivitis.
Watch the following video and understand how the various types of conjunctivitis arise:
Home remedy for conjunctivitis
There are home remedies that are great for treating or alleviating conjunctivitis and facilitating healing, such as compresses with Pariri tea or carrots, which contain properties that help relieve redness, pain and itchiness in the eye.
In addition, treatment at home can also be done only with wet compresses in cold water that helps to relieve swelling, however, these home treatments should not replace the use of medication, when prescribed by an ophthalmologist. See how to prepare these home remedies.