- 1. Healing creams and ointments
- 2. Mouthwashes
- 3. Supplements
- 4. Antifungals or antibacterials
- Natural treatment
The treatment of the mouthpiece, also known as angular cheilitis, consists primarily of the elimination of the triggering factors of this dermatological problem.
In addition, the doctor may also recommend the use of creams and ointments to speed healing or treat an underlying infection and still prescribe supplementation, to correct possible nutritional deficiencies that may be the source of the problem.
1. Healing creams and ointments
To accelerate the healing of the mouthpiece, the doctor may recommend the application of creams or ointments with moisturizing, healing, anti-inflammatory action and that have a barrier effect to isolate the wounds from moisture.
Some examples of products that exert this action are Hipoglós, with zinc oxide and vitamin A and D, in the composition or Minancora, with zinc oxide and benzalkonium chloride.
2. Mouthwashes
Mouthwashes with chlorhexidine in the composition, such as Neba-Sept or Perioxidin, have an antiseptic action and, therefore, are an excellent option to prevent the appearance of infections in the sores at the corners of the mouth.
3. Supplements
If your doctor suspects a nutritional deficiency, he may recommend supplements with iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, which are usually vitamins and minerals whose deficiency can lead to angular cheilitis.
4. Antifungals or antibacterials
In angular cheilitis, candidiasis is often present, but it does not mean that it is its primary cause. However, this fungal infection must be eradicated, which favors the recovery of the tissue around the mouth.
For this, the doctor may recommend the application of a cream or ointment with miconazole, nystatin (Daktarin) or clotrimazole (Canesten), 2 to 3 times a day, the use of an oral suspension with nystatin (Canditrat) or even the intake of oral antifungals, such as fluconazole (Zoltec), in tablets.
If there is infection by bacteria, an antibiotic ointment can be applied, such as Nebacetin, with neomycin and bacitracin, or Bacrocin, with mupirocin, 2 to 3 times a day, for about 1 to 3 weeks.
In addition, to end the mouthpiece, it is necessary to identify its cause, which usually occurs because the corner of the mouth always remains wet, as when the baby uses a pacifier, or with people who use dental prosthesis or braces to correct the position of the teeth, for example. Know the most common causes of mouthpiece.
Natural treatment
To assist in the treatment, the following precautions must be adopted:
- Clean the corners of the mouth whenever they are wet; Moisturize the lips frequently; Avoid salty and acidic foods that harm the region.
Check out which acidic foods to avoid.