- Ointments for hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoid suppositories
- Hemorrhoid pills
- Home remedies for hemorrhoids
- How to increase the effectiveness of medicines
Some remedies that can help treat and even cure the hemorrhoid, which is a vein that is dilated in the region of the anus, are Hemovirtus, Proctosan, which are ointments that must be applied directly to the hemorrhoid, Daflon, Venaflon or Velunid, which are pills that can be associated with the treatment with the ointment, which should only be taken according to the recommendations of the proctologist.
In addition to these remedies to treat hemorrhoids, the doctor may prescribe the use of laxatives to make stools softer and analgesics and anti-inflammatories to decrease pain and fight inflammation and local swelling, which causes itching and bleeding from the anus.
Ointments for hemorrhoids
Ointments to treat hemorrhoids should be applied to the anal area 2 to 3 times a day or according to medical advice. This ointment can be applied to the external hemorrhoid, but also to the internal hemorrhoid, being necessary to introduce the tip of the tube in the anus and aiming for the ointment to reach the interior.
- Examples of ointments: some ointments that can be used to treat hemorrhoids are Hemovirtus, Ultraproct, Imescard, Proctosan and Proctyl. Find out how to use and how much each ointment costs.
Hemorrhoid suppositories
Hemorrhoid suppositories help to stop bleeding and itching in the anus, preventing inflammation and increasing faster wound healing. Usually, the doctor indicates 1 suppository about 2 to 3 times a day, after defecating and cleaning the anal area.
- Suppository Examples: Some examples of suppository drugs can be Ultraproct or Proctyl, for example.
Hemorrhoid pills
Some pills that are indicated to treat hemorrhoids can be Velunidl, Daflon 500 or Venaflon, because they increase venous tone, improve blood circulation and reduce swelling and inflammation.
Generally, in hemorrhoidal crises, the recommended dose is 2 tablets, 3 times a day, for 4 days, followed by 2 tablets, 2 times a day, for three days and then you can take 2 tablets a day, for at least 3 months or for the period of time recommended by the doctor.
Home remedies for hemorrhoids
Some natural treatments that can be done are:
- Make a sitz bath with horse chestnut or cypress because they have vasodilating and anti-inflammatory properties; Apply witch hazel ointment; Take capsules of garlic or echinacea.
See how to prepare some great home remedies in the following video:
Hemorrhoid treatment with natural remedies does not replace the use of medications indicated by the doctor, but it can help to reduce the pain caused by hemorrhoids.
How to increase the effectiveness of medicines
In addition to the use of medications indicated by the doctor to reduce the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, it is necessary to:
- Eat a diet rich in fiber, such as fruit and seeds, for example; Ingest at least 2 liters of water per day, as this makes the stool softer; Do not use too much force when defecating and defecating whenever you feel like using pillows for hemorrhoids when sitting, which have a ring shape to relieve pain; Do sitz baths for 15 to 20 minutes, about 2 times a day to reduce pain; Avoid using toilet paper, washing the area with soap and water whenever possible.
In some cases, it may also be necessary to have surgery to remove the hemorrhoid, which is only done when the individual continues to experience pain, discomfort and bleeding, especially when evacuating, even after treatment with drugs. Know the types of hemorrhoid surgery when other treatments are not effective.