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Know the risks and important precautions with intense pulsed light


Intense Pulsed Light is an aesthetic treatment indicated for removing some types of spots on the skin, for facial rejuvenation and also for removing dark circles and as a prolonged form of hair removal. However, this type of treatment has its risks, which can cause spots on the skin or major burns when the procedure is not properly performed.

The best time of the year to use the pulsed light treatment is in the fall and winter, when temperatures are lower and sun exposure is less, as tanned skin is a contraindication for the use of the LIP device due to the risk increased number of burns that can be caused by the device.

How the treatment is done

Treatment with Intense Pulsed Light must be done by a dermatologist or physiotherapist specialized in functional dermato and it happens from the application of light beams on the skin, which are absorbed by the cells and substances present on the skin. Each session lasts an average of 30 minutes, which may vary according to the person's objective, and should take place at intervals of 4 weeks.

IPL is less painful than the traditional laser, and during treatment you can feel a slight burning sensation that goes away in less than 10 seconds.

Treatment with intense pulsed light is not recommended for people who are using Roacutan, corticosteroids, anticoagulants or photosensitizing remedies, as the skin becomes more sensitive, which may result in spots on the skin if the procedure is performed. In addition, IPL is not indicated for people who have tanned skin, have white hair in the region to be treated, show signs of infection on the skin or around wounds, or who have skin cancer. Know when the pulsed light should not be used.

These contraindications must be taken into account when assessing the patient by the professional so that complications are avoided during or after treatment, such as a lot of redness in the treated area, itching and blistering, which may indicate burns on the skin, and treatment is suspended until the skin is healthy again.

Possible health risks

Treatment with laser or Intense Pulsed Light does not cause or increase the risk of cancer and several studies have already been carried out proving that this is a safe procedure. However, when the treatment is not properly carried out there is a risk of:

  • Burning of the skin: This can happen if the equipment is poorly calibrated, when the skin is tanned or when the equipment is misused. If during the application of the technique the burning sensation takes more than 10 seconds to pass and is similar to the sensation of a fire burn, the equipment must be graduated again so as not to cause further burns. If the skin is already burned, stop the treatment and use a healing ointment for burns, under the guidance of the dermatologist. Know a homemade ointment for burn that can help to complement the treatment. Light or dark spots on the skin: If the area becomes lighter or a little darker at the treatment site, it is a sign that the equipment did not have the best wavelength for the person's skin tone. The risk of spots appearing is greater in people who are brown or who are tanned, so it is important to adjust the device if there are changes in the person's skin tone between sessions. In case of dark spot on the skin, whitening creams indicated by the dermatologist may be used. Eye damage: When the therapist and the patient do not wear goggles during the entire treatment, serious changes in the eyes may appear, affecting the iris. But to eliminate this risk just use the goggles correctly during the entire procedure.

The devices that have the possibility of cooling after each flash firing are more comfortable because the cold tip relieves the burning sensation after each firing.

Care during treatment

During the session the therapist and the patient must wear appropriate glasses to protect their eyes from the light emitted by the equipment. If it is necessary to carry out the treatment in regions with tattoos, it may be necessary to put a white sheet to cover the tattoo, to avoid burns or depigmentation.

After treatment, it is normal for the skin to become red and swollen, requiring the use of healing creams or ointments with sunscreen, which protect the skin. Sun exposure is not recommended for 1 month before and after each session, the skin may peel off and small scabs appear, which should not be pulled out manually, waiting for them to fall on their own. If the skin on the face peels off, makeup is not recommended, giving preference to the use of moisturizing creams with a refreshing or calming effect several times a day.

In addition, it is not advisable to bathe in very hot water on the same day of treatment and it is recommended to wear light clothes that do not rub the skin.

Know the risks and important precautions with intense pulsed light