Home Bulls Exercises to stay with a hard belly

Exercises to stay with a hard belly


Here are some Pilates exercises that you can do at home, following the guidelines we give here. These work a lot the abdominal, toning the muscles of the center of the body but they must be performed perfectly so that they reach the intended goal.

If you have pain in your neck, do the exercises without lifting your head, keeping it well supported on the floor and remember to keep your shoulders very relaxed. In this case, the exercises will be easier to do and therefore the results may take longer to appear, but at least you do not harm your cervical spine.

The series begins with:

Exercise 1

The abdominal board consists of standing in the same position, with only your feet and hands (or your elbows on the floor) for at least 30 seconds, repeating the exercise for another 3 or 4 times, but if you prefer, you can stay for 1 minute at a time.

Exercise 2

You should lie on your back and bend your legs as shown in the image. Gently lift your head and torso off the floor, raising your hands 10 cm from the floor, contracting your abs. The movement must be performed with the hands up and down, with quick and short movements. Count up to 100 movements with your hands.

Exercise 3

Lying on your back and with your knees bent you should raise both legs as if they were resting on an imaginary chair. Take your head and torso off the floor and stretch one leg at a time in the air. Do each movement 10 times.

Exercise 4

Lying on your back, bend your legs as in the first exercise and lift your entire body off the floor and then stretch your leg, keeping your feet like a ballerina. When you reach that position that shows the image stay in that position and then make the same small movements with your hands and count to 100 movements with your hands.

This series of exercises is just one example of what you can do in a Pilates class. However, these exercises can be done at home up to 5 times a week.

Exercise 5

The exercise consists of standing in that position for at least 30 seconds on each side. Remember to keep your body straight and keep your hand in the same direction as your feet. If you feel pain in your shoulder, don't do this exercise.

If you are overweight or with a lot of fat located in this region it is also important to adapt your diet, following a diet with less fat and calories. To burn more calories, you should also do some physical activity such as walking, running, cycling, rollerblading or playing ball, for example. You will burn more fat if you do Pilates exercises after doing these exercises.

Exercises to stay with a hard belly