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Health benefits of sea salt


Sea salt is the salt that results from the evaporation of sea water. As it does not go through the process of refining common table salt, mineral salt, it has more minerals.

Although sea salt has more minerals and is therefore better for your health than refined salt, it is still salt and, therefore, you should only consume 1 teaspoon per day, which is about 4 to 6 grams. Hypertension patients should eliminate any salt from the diet.

Sea salt can be found thick, thin or in flakes, in pink, gray or black.

Main benefits

The benefits of sea salt are to provide important minerals to the body, such as iodine, thus fighting diseases such as goiter or thyroid problems. Another important benefit of salt is to regulate the distribution of water in the body and blood pressure.

Adequate salt intake is important because low or high amounts of sodium in the blood are associated with heart or kidney disease, regardless of whether the diet is deficient or excess.

What is it for

Sea salt is used to season foods with less salt because it tastes stronger than refined salt and is a simple way to increase mineral consumption. In addition, sea salt is an excellent homemade solution for throat, when it is inflamed or irritated.

Health benefits of sea salt