Home Home-Remedies 4 Tips to remove purple marks from the body

4 Tips to remove purple marks from the body


Some ways to remove the purple spots on the skin, also called bruises, may be to apply ice on the spot or a cold compress in the first 48 hours and massage the purplish area with arnica ointment or aloe vera gel, better known as the aloe vera plant.

The purple spots on the skin can appear because of a fall, when hitting the leg, or another part of the body, on a coffee table or on a sofa, however, these spots can also appear after a "hickey" or after perform a treatment with suction cups and, in all these cases, homemade solutions can be indicated and complement the conventional treatment, which can be done with Hirudoid ointment, for example. See more on how to use Hirudoid.

1. Cold compress

Before completing the 48 hours of the injury, you should apply ice or make a cold compress on the affected area, as it helps to decrease blood circulation in the region, making the hematoma not grow much in size. This type of therapy also assists in relieving pain where the purple spot on the skin is located, in addition to being an easy and quick method to apply.


  • 1 packet of frozen vegetables or bag with ice cubes, 1 towel or pillowcase.

Method of preparation

Protect the skin with a towel or pillowcase, to avoid burning the skin with excessive cold, and then place the packet of vegetables or sachet with ice cubes directly on the purple spot on the skin, allowing to act on the region for 15 to 20 minutes. Find out more when using the cold compress.

There are thermal bags that are sold in markets and pharmacies that are easy to use, as you just put it in the freezer and wait 1 to 2 hours for it to freeze and then just apply it over the purple spot, not forgetting to protect the skin with a towel.

2. Rosemary bath

Rosemary has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and the warmth of the bath helps to activate circulation and absorb blood from the site, reducing pain.


  • 4 drops of rosemary essential oil; 1 bowl of water.

Method of preparation

To enjoy a rosemary bath just place the drops of rosemary essential oil in a bowl of hot water and then wash your body. If you have a bathtub at home, you can also fill it with hot water and add about 7 drops of rosemary essential oil and relax for about 10 minutes. Discover other benefits of rosemary.

3. Homemade arnica ointment

Arnica is a medicinal plant widely used in the treatment of muscle bruises, abrasions and bruises, due to its anti-inflammatory property.

This ointment is easy to make and can be kept in a clean bottle, it can last for many days, it can be kept in the refrigerator, but before using, for a more pleasant touch, it must remain at room temperature for a few minutes.


  • 10 mL of liquid paraffin or beeswax melted in a water bath; 10 mL of arnica essential oil.

Method of preparation

Simply mix the ingredients and keep in a clean, properly capped bottle. The ingredients can be found in health food stores and to use just apply a small amount to the purple mark, making circular movements for a few minutes.

4. Aloe vera gel

The aloe vera plant, also known as aloe vera , contains a substance called aloesin, which has an anti-inflammatory action and helps to decrease the pigmentation of the purple spot on the skin. Learn about other aloe vera benefits.


  • 1 leaf of aloe;

Method of preparation

Cut the aloe leaf and extract the gel from the plant, then apply on the skin area that is purple, let it act for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with water. If you do not have the plant at home, the ideal is to buy the organic gel that is sold in health food stores.

4 Tips to remove purple marks from the body