Home Symptoms Loeffler syndrome: what it is, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Loeffler syndrome: what it is, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Loeffler syndrome is a condition characterized by the large amount of eosinophils in the lung that is usually caused by parasitic infections, mainly by the parasite Ascaris lumbricoides , and can also be caused by an allergic reaction to certain drugs, by cancer or by a hypersensitivity to something that has been inhaled or ingested, for example.

This syndrome does not normally cause symptoms, but there may be a dry cough and progressive shortness of breath, as excess eosinophils in the lung can cause organ damage. The diagnosis of Loeffler's syndrome is made by means of an image exam, such as a chest X-ray, and laboratory exams, such as a complete blood count.

The treatment varies according to the cause, and it can only be through the suspension of the medication that is causing the syndrome or the use of anti-parasites, such as Albendazole, for example, according to medical advice.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of Loeffler's Syndrome appear between 10 and 15 days after infection and usually disappear 1 to 2 weeks after starting treatment. This syndrome is usually asymptomatic, but some symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Dry or productive cough; Shortness of breath, which progressively worsens; Low fever; Cough with blood; Wheezing or wheezing in the chest; Muscle pain; Weight loss.

This syndrome is mainly caused by infection by parasites that carry out part of the biological cycle in the lungs, such as Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale , which cause hookworm, Strongyloides stercoralis , which causes strongyloidiasis and Ascaris lumbricoides , which is an infectious agent of ascariasis. and the main responsible for Loeffler syndrome.

In addition to parasitic infections, Loeffler's syndrome can arise as a result of neoplasms or a hypersensitivity reaction to medications, for example, which can lead to an increase in eosinophils in the blood that go to the lung and secrete cytokines that cause lung damage. Learn more about eosinophils and their functions.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of Loeffler syndrome is made through clinical evaluation by the doctor and chest X-ray, in which a pulmonary infiltrate is observed. In addition, a complete blood count is requested, in which more than 500 eosinophils / mm³ are verified, which can correspond to between 25 and 30% of total leukocyte eosinophils, when the normal is between 1 and 5%.

The parasitological examination of feces is only positive about 8 weeks after infection, since before that the parasite is still developing and is not in the form of larvae, with no release of eggs. When positive, countless eggs of the parasite that causes the syndrome are checked.

How is the treatment

Treatment is done according to the cause, that is, if Loeffler's syndrome is caused by reaction to a drug, the treatment usually consists of suspending the drug.

In the case of parasites, the use of anti-parasites is recommended in order to eliminate the parasite and avoid some late manifestations of the disease caused by the parasite, such as diarrhea, malnutrition and intestinal obstruction. The drugs usually indicated are vermifuges such as Albendazole, Praziquantel or Ivermectin, for example, according to the parasite that causes Loeffler syndrome and with medical advice. See what are the main remedies for worm and how to take it.

In addition to treatment with anti-parasitic drugs, it is important, in these cases, to pay attention to hygiene conditions since parasites are usually related to poor sanitary conditions. So it is important to wash your hands frequently, keep your nails trimmed and wash your food before preparing it.

Loeffler syndrome: what it is, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment