- 1. Heat and sun exposure
- 2. Psychological situations
- 3. Performing intense physical activity
- 4. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- 5. Allergy
- 6. Rosacea
- 7. Slap disease
The redness on the face can happen due to prolonged exposure to the sun, during moments of anxiety, shame and nervousness or when practicing physical activity, being considered normal. However, this redness can also be indicative of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, for example, or indicate allergies.
As the redness on the face can be indicative of several situations, the most appropriate thing to do is to seek guidance from a dermatologist when the cause of the redness cannot be identified or when other symptoms such as joint pain, fever, swelling in the face or increased skin sensitivity, for example.
The main causes of redness on the face are:
1. Heat and sun exposure
Spending too much time in the sun or in a very hot environment can also make your face a little redder, which is considered normal.
What to do: It is important to use sunscreen daily, not just when you will be spending a lot of time exposed to the sun. This is because in addition to protecting the skin against the sun's rays, the protector prevents the appearance of spots and slows down the aging of the skin. In addition, it is recommended to wear lighter clothes, to relieve the discomfort caused by excessive heat, and to drink plenty of fluids during the day, as it is also possible to avoid dehydration.
2. Psychological situations
It is common for the face to become red when the person is in more stressful situations, which generates anxiety, shame or nervousness, because in these situations there is an adrenaline rush, which makes the heart speed up and the body temperature starts to rise, besides dilatation of blood vessels, increasing blood flow. As the skin on the face is thinner, this increase in blood flow can be easily noticed through the redness on the face.
What to do: As the redness only reflects a psychological state at the moment, it is best to try to relax and be comfortable with the situation. Because as time goes by, the changes caused by the adrenaline rush, including the redness in the face, decrease. If these changes are frequent and come to disrupt personal or professional life, it is important to seek help from a psychologist, so that relaxation techniques can be adopted, for example.
3. Performing intense physical activity
Redness on the face due to physical activity is common, as in these cases there is an increase in heart rate and, consequently, an increase in blood flow, which causes the face to become redder.
What to do: As the red face is only a consequence of physical activity, it is not necessary to take any specific action for this, because as the person relaxes, the momentary changes caused by the exercise disappear, including the redness on the face.
4. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE, is an autoimmune disease characterized mainly by the appearance of a red spot on the face in the shape of a butterfly. In this disease, the cells of the immune system attack the body's own healthy cells, causing inflammation of the joints, tiredness, fever and the appearance of sores inside the mouth or inside the nose, for example. Learn to recognize the symptoms of lupus.
What to do: Lupus has no cure and, therefore, its treatment should be done for life with the aim of relieving symptoms. Treatment varies according to the symptoms presented and the extent of the disease, and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids or immunosuppressants may be recommended.
In addition, lupus is characterized by periods of crisis and remission, that is, periods when symptoms are not observed and periods when the signs and symptoms are quite present, which justifies the treatment to be done uninterruptedly and the monitoring doctor happen regularly.
5. Allergy
The redness on the face can also be a sign of allergy, and is usually related to food or contact allergies. The allergy is also related to the fact that the person's skin is more sensitive, which can result in redness when the person passes a different cream on the face or washes it with a soap that was not used, for example.
What to do: In these cases, it is important to identify the factor that triggers the allergy and avoid contact or consumption. In addition, it is important to consult a dermatologist to make a skin evaluation and specific creams and soaps for the skin type can be recommended, avoiding allergic and hyper-sensitivity reactions. Check out how to know your skin type.
6. Rosacea
Rosacea is a dermatological disease of unknown cause, which is characterized by redness on the face, especially on the cheeks, forehead and nose. This redness arises as a consequence of exposure to the sun, excessive heat, consumption of spicy foods, alcohol abuse and psychological factors, such as anxiety and nervousness.
In addition to the redness on the face, in some cases it is also possible to observe increased sensitivity to the skin, swelling on the face, appearance of skin lesions that may contain pus and more dry skin.
What to do: The treatment of rosacea should be indicated by the dermatologist and aims to relieve symptoms and improve the person's quality of life, since there is no cure. Thus, it may be indicated to apply a cream on the redness site or just a neutral moisturizing soap. Understand how rosacea treatment should be done.
7. Slap disease
Slap disease, scientifically called infectious erythema, is an infectious disease caused by Parvovirus B19 characterized by impairment of the airways and lungs, especially in children. In addition to the flu-like respiratory symptoms, such as fever and runny nose, it is possible to see the appearance of red spots on the child's face, as if he had been slapped on the face. The presence of a red spot on the face is one of the main factors that differentiate infectious erythema from flu.
What to do: In these cases, it is important that the child is taken to the pediatrician for tests, the diagnosis is confirmed and treatment can be started, which can be done by resting and drinking plenty of fluids, since the immune system can easily eliminate the virus from the body.
Although the immune system is able to resolve the infection, it is important that the child is accompanied by a pediatrician to check if there is a risk of transmission to other people.