Home Home-Remedies How to achieve bronze without leaving home

How to achieve bronze without leaving home


To speed up tanning it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods rich in beta-carotene, which is a substance present in some foods that, in addition to improving the immune system, is able to stimulate the production of melanin, improving tanning.

A good homemade option to accelerate your tan is through the consumption of fruit juice rich in beta-carotene, such as carrots, mangoes and oranges. The consumption of juice and the use of other homemade options must be accompanied by the use of sunscreen and avoid being exposed to the sun for a long time, as it can burn the skin.

Carrot, mango and orange juice

The carrot, mango and orange juice, besides being rich in beta-carotenes, stimulates the production of melanin, leaving the skin brown and not red and preventing it from peeling afterwards.


  • 2 carrots; 1/2 mango; 2 oranges.

Method of preparation

Pass all the ingredients through the centrifuge, or beat the blender and then drink. Make this juice every day starting at least 15 days before exposure to the sun and during beach or pool days.

In addition to beta-carotene, this juice is rich in vitamin E and minerals, being indicated to improve skin health, since it also promotes its hydration.

Carrot bronzer and coconut oil

The homemade carrot and coconut oil sunscreen is interesting for those who want to speed up the tanning process and keep their skin healthy. That's because carrots are able to stimulate the production of melanin while coconut oil hydrates the skin, preventing it from drying out and peeling afterwards.


  • 4 carrots; 10 drops of coconut oil.

Method of preparation

To make the homemade suntan, you need to cut the carrots into slices and put them in a blender. Then add 10 drops of coconut oil, mix and apply to the skin. You can store your bronzer in the refrigerator in dark glass jars.

How to achieve bronze without leaving home