- 1. Excessive stress
- 2. Too much vitamin A or B
- 3. Pregnancy
- 4. Hormonal changes
- 5. Use of antidepressants and other medicines
- 6. Anemia
- 7. Hypothyroidism
- What to do to treat hair loss
- Medical treatments for hair loss
Hair loss is usually not a warning sign, as it can happen completely naturally, especially during the colder times of the year, such as autumn and winter. In these times, the hair falls out more because the hair root is less irrigated by nutrients and blood and this can increase hair loss. However, this drop is expected to decrease at warmer times of the year, such as spring and summer.
In addition, people who frequently use hair straightening products, often apply flat iron or do hairstyles that can break their hair, may also experience more severe hair loss.
Hair loss after health treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, for example, is relatively normal but should always be referred by the doctor before starting treatment, so that it is not a cause for concern when it appears.
1. Excessive stress
One of the main causes of hair loss is excessive stress, both physical and mental. This is because the shock of stress, after a traffic accident or after the diagnosis of a serious illness, for example, can change the cycle of hair strands, causing them to fall out.
In other cases, stress may not be the main cause of hair loss, but it can worsen hair loss that already exists for another reason. Know the main consequences of stress.
What to do: It is advisable to try to reduce the stress load by participating in leisure activities, not only to treat hair loss, but also to ensure a better quality of life and avoid other more serious problems that may arise over time, such as irritable bowel or depression.
2. Too much vitamin A or B
Although relatively rare, the excessive presence of vitamins A or the B complex in the body can contribute to hair loss. This situation is more frequent in people who have been taking supplements with any of these types of vitamins for a long time.
What to do: Food supplements should be used only with the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist, to avoid reaching the maximum recommended doses. If there is a suspicion of excess of these vitamins, you should stop the supplement and consult a doctor.
3. Pregnancy
Hair loss is relatively common in women after childbirth, not only due to hormonal changes that continue to happen in the body, but also due to the stress of childbirth. This hair loss usually occurs within the first 3 months after delivery and can last up to 2 months.
Although it is more rare, hair loss can also occur during pregnancy, seeming to be related to the increase in the hormone progesterone that can dry out the hair, leaving it weak and brittle.
What to do: the ideal is to avoid being stressed by hair loss, as it is a natural process, which will improve over time. See 5 strategies to combat hair loss in the postpartum period.
4. Hormonal changes
Just like during or after pregnancy, hormonal changes are an important cause of hair loss and can happen at various times in life, especially during adolescence. In addition, women who switch pills or start a new hormonal contraceptive method may also experience temporary hair loss.
What to do: if you are having a very severe hair loss, you should consult a dermatologist or, if you are taking a contraceptive, talk to the gynecologist to evaluate the possibility of changing the method.
5. Use of antidepressants and other medicines
Some classes of medications, such as antidepressants, anticoagulants or high blood pressure medications can have the side effect of contributing to hair loss, especially at the beginning of treatment or when they have been used for a long time. Other remedies that can have this type of effect include methotrexate, lithium and ibuprofen, for example.
What to do: If there is a suspicion that hair loss is being harmed by the use of some medication, you should inform the doctor who prescribed it, evaluating the possibility of switching to another medication.
6. Anemia
In addition to excessive tiredness and pallor, anemia can also cause hair loss, since the strands receive less blood, nutrients and oxygen, making them weaker and more brittle. Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron, but it can also arise from other factors, such as a decrease in vitamin B12 in the body.
What to do: in most cases, anemia arises from lack of iron and, therefore, the first form of treatment consists of using iron supplements as well as increasing the intake of foods with iron, such as red meat, mussels, parsley or white beans. See the main types of anemia and how to treat each one.
7. Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism happens when the thyroid is not working properly and, therefore, there are several types of hormones that are not produced correctly or in sufficient quantity. Some of these hormones are very important for the metabolism and growth of hair strands, so when they are lacking they can be the cause of hair loss.
What to do: If an alteration in thyroid function is suspected, an endocrinologist should be consulted to confirm the diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment, which is usually done with iodine supplementation.
What to do to treat hair loss
To treat hair loss, specific products, remedies or supplements can be used, such as:
- Hair lotion with Minoxidil 5%: It must be applied twice a day on the scalp. It helps to revitalize the scalp, increasing blood supply and strengthening the existing threads, reducing their fall; Shampoos and lotions specific to hair loss; Nutritional supplements for hair loss, such as Pill Food or organic silicon, which contain nutrients involved in the growth and health of hair strands. Pill Food price, on average 30 reais, and organic silicon. Remedies for hair loss, guided by the dermatologist, such as Finasteride, Propecia or infiltration with corticosteroids in the hair root. Learn more at: Remedies for baldness.
In addition, it is also important that the diet contains all the necessary nutrients for the body, as hair loss can be caused by very restrictive diets, low in calories and low in animal proteins.
Check out a list of foods that help fight hair loss.
Medical treatments for hair loss
Some treatments that can be recommended by the dermatologist to treat hair loss are:
- Low power laser, which must be applied once a week for at least 10 weeks. It stimulates the regeneration of the matrix that lost hair and prevents healthy hair from falling out, progressively improving hair loss. Price: each session costs on average 50 reais; Carboxitherapy, as it increases blood supply to the scalp and facilitates the penetration of chemicals for hair loss. Price: each session costs an average of 70 reais; Hair implantation is a surgical technique in which hair strands are implanted directly into the scalp. Despite the immediate result, after about 6 months, these strands tend to fall out and can cause damage to the scalp. The price varies between 10 and 25 thousand reais; Hair transplant is a surgery in which a strip of hair is removed from the back of the hair and implanted in the front, close to the forehead region or where there is a greater need. It is an option for those who are going bald or bald.
The choice for the best treatment should be made by the dermatologist, after evaluation and diagnosis of hair loss.