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Find out what English water is for


Agua Inglesa is a herbal tonic that serves to aid digestion and stimulate appetite.

This remedy consists of extracts of medicinal plants that have bitter active ingredients that act on the mucosa of the digestive system, stimulating the production of gastric juice and that have digestive and appetite-stimulating properties.

In addition, English Water is popularly used as a uterine purifier, to help cleanse the body and uterus of substances that may prevent or hinder pregnancy, however this application is not indicated in the package insert.

How to take

English Water should be taken before meals, it is recommended to take 1 cup, equivalent to 30 ml of tonic. The maximum daily dose of English Water per day is 4 goblets, equivalent to 120 ml per day.


The price of English Water varies between 15 and 30 reais and can be purchased at drugstores, health food stores or online pharmacies, without the need to present a prescription.

Side effects

The product leaflet does not mention possible side effects, however in some cases allergy reactions to the medicine may appear with symptoms of redness, itching and white or red pellets on the skin, in which case it is recommended to see the doctor as soon as possible. In addition, Água Inglesa is contraindicated during pregnancy and may cause miscarriage.


English Water is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 12, patients with epilepsy, excess stomach acid, gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, Parkinson's disease patients or liver or stomach problems and for patients with allergies to any of the components of the formula.

Find out what English water is for