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Find out what are the best breastfeeding positions


The correct position for breastfeeding is the most important factor for your success. For this, the mother must be in a correct and comfortable position and the baby must take the breast correctly so that there is no injury to the nipples and the baby is able to drink more milk.

For a correct grip, the baby needs to open its mouth wide before mouthing the breast and should take the lower part of the areola more than the top. He should have his cheeks full, his chin against his mother's breast and he should not make any sound when he suckles, only that he is swallowing the milk, as shown in the image below.

If the baby is holding only the nipple, with the mouth more closed, it is necessary to reposition it, because in addition to hurting the mother caused small cracks in the nipple, the milk will not come out, leaving the baby irritated. See how to treat cracked nipples to continue breastfeeding and also what you need to do to produce more milk.

6 best breastfeeding positions

In addition to the traditional breastfeeding position, in which the mother is seated, the baby is lying horizontally and the mother is holding her with her arms, there are other positions such as:

1: Lying on her side on the bed

You should offer the breast that is closest to the mattress and to make you more comfortable, rest your head on your arm or on a pillow and always check that the baby is breastfeeding well to prevent complications such as cracking the nipples. This position is very comfortable for both mother and baby, being useful during night feedings or when the mother is very tired.

2: Sitting with the baby lying on your lap

Place the baby on your lap and sit comfortably on a chair or sofa. The correct position is to place the baby's tummy against yours while you hold the baby with both arms under your little body.

3: Sitting, with the baby in the "piggyback position"

The baby should sit on one of the thighs, facing the breast and the mother will be able to hold it, supporting her back. This position is ideal for babies older than 3 months and who already hold the head well.

4: Sitting with the baby on the side, under your arm

Lay the baby down, but pass it under one of your arms and give the breast that is closest to the baby's mouth. To stay in this position it is necessary to place a cushion, pillow or breastfeeding cushion to accommodate the baby. This position is great for relieving tension in the mother's back while breastfeeding.

5: Standing

If you want to breastfeed while you are standing, you can lay the baby on your lap but you should place one of your hands between the baby's legs to support it better.

6: No sling

If the baby is in the baby carrier cloth, also known as a sling, you should keep the baby sitting or lying down, depending on the position where he is already seated, and offer the breast that is closest to his mouth. The baby's weight will be supported by the sling and you can keep your hands a little more free, making it a good position for when you're in the kitchen or shopping, for example.

The positions for breastfeeding twins may be the same, however, the mother to use these positions must breastfeed one twin at a time. To breastfeed twins at the same time, see: 4 simple positions for breastfeeding twins at the same time.

Each baby has its own pace to suckle, some suck satisfactorily in 5 minutes, while others may need more time. Ideally, the baby should breastfeed at least 20 minutes with each feeding. With the growth and development of the baby, the feeding time will be shorter and shorter.

Find out what are the best breastfeeding positions