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How to calculate the likely height of the child


The child's height prediction can be estimated using a simple mathematical equation. Just add the height of the father and mother and if it is a girl, subtract 6.5 but if it is a boy, add 6.5 cm.

Another way to find out how tall your child will be in adulthood is to multiply your height by 2 at 2 years of age. In this case, the baby who is 86 cm at 2 years old, must be 1.72 cm at 21, which is when the person stops growing.

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The estimated height for both boys and girls can vary by an average of 5 centimeters.

This height estimate for children is used by many pediatricians, but considers only the height of the parents and there are other conditions that can interfere with height, such as genetics, diet, health, sleep quality, development and posture.

What to do for a child to be taller

In order for the child to grow up healthy and have more height, a simple strategy can be adopted, such as having a good diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, grains and cereals because this way the body has the necessary nutrients to produce growth hormone, but sleeping well is also necessary to grow more, because this hormone is produced and released during sleep.

Putting your child in exercises like ballet or swimming, for example, can also be useful for him to have stronger muscles and bones, as well as good body posture, which also influences his growth.

But if the pediatrician verifies that the child is really having a growth restriction, has dwarfism or some other syndrome that is characterized by short stature, it may be recommended to have a treatment using growth hormone GH, for example. Some trade names for this drug are Genotropin, Hormotrop, Norditropin, Saizen and Somatrop and serve to supply the pituitary's need for GH. This hormone is given as an injection once a day, learn more about the effects of growth hormone.

How to calculate the likely height of the child