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Pre-menopausal symptoms and what to do


Pre-menopause is the transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive period, which usually begins 10 years before menopause, starting at around 45 years of age, although it can start even a little earlier, around 42 years.

Pre-menopause occurs due to a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, resulting in changes in the woman's body with symptoms similar to those of menopause and this period is scientifically called climacteric.

How to Recognize Premenopausal Symptoms

The characteristic signs and symptoms of pre-menopause are:

  • Initially there is a shortening of the menstrual cycle that goes from 28 to 26 days, for example; later there is a longer interval between menses; there may eventually be an abundant menstruation; irritability; insomnia, decreased sexual desire.

For the diagnosis of pre-menopause the gynecologist may indicate the performance of a blood test that checks the levels of FSH, which should be performed on 2 or 3 different days. The higher this value is, the closer the woman is to menopause. Learn more about this exam.

If you think you may be in menopause, fill in the symptoms you have:

  1. 1. Irregular menstruation Yes No
  2. 2. No menstruation for 12 consecutive months Yes No
  3. 3. Heat waves that start suddenly and for no apparent reason Yes No
  4. 4. Intense night sweats that can disrupt sleep Yes No
  5. 5. Frequent tiredness Yes No
  6. 6. Mood swings like irritability, anxiety or sadness Yes No
  7. 7. Difficulty sleeping or poor sleep quality Yes No
  8. 8. Vaginal dryness Yes No
  9. 9. Hair loss Yes No
  10. 10. Decreased libido Yes No

Does pre-menopause need treatment?

Treatment for pre-menopause is not always necessary, but if the woman is very uncomfortable, you can use the combined birth control pill or use the Mirena IUD to prevent pregnancy and regularize menstruation until menopause begins.

Natural Treatment for Pre-menopause

Natural treatment for pre-menopause can be done with:

  • Take the tea of ​​São Cristóvão herb daily Consume wild yam ( Dioscorea paniculata ) regularly.

This natural treatment can help to avoid intense hormonal changes and therefore can relieve the symptoms of pre-menopause but it is important to inform that the tendency is the worsening of these symptoms and the appearance of others such as hot flashes, headache and restlessness. that are characteristic of menopause. The gynecologist may recommend taking hormonal medications so that the woman can go through this period more comfortably.

To combat premenstrual tension - PMS that tends to be more intense in pre-menopause, you can use:

  • Evening primrose oil; Agnocasto ( Vitex agnus-castus L. ,); Dong quai ( Angelica sinensis ); Chromium and magnesium food supplement.

Practicing at least 30 minutes of physical exercise daily is also indicated to ensure good muscle tone, strong bones and the maintenance of weight because with aging the muscle volume decreases and is replaced by fat, and this change slows down the metabolism, leading accumulation of fat mainly in the belly.

How food can help

Regarding pre-menopausal diet, it is indicated:

  • Include flax seeds in your daily diet; Increase the consumption of calcium, present in foods such as soy, fish and vegetables; Avoid foods rich in caffeine, distilled or fermented alcoholic beverages; Drink plenty of water; Reduce fatty foods and Decrease the consumption of refined sugar.

These measures are important to prevent women from gaining weight and to make it through this stage more comfortably. It is also important that the woman has some beauty care in pre-menopause taking care of the skin, hair and nails, good tips are to use keratin-based products on the hair and nails and take a collagen supplement to maintain the skin and skin. firm joints.

Pre-menopausal symptoms and what to do