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Can acute leukemia cure?


Acute leukemia is a type of cancer related to bone marrow abnormality, which leads to abnormal blood cell production. Acute leukemia can be classified into myeloid or lymphoid according to the cellular markers identified by means of immunophenotyping, which is a laboratory technique used to differentiate cells that are very similar in microscopic visualization.

This type of leukemia is more common in children and young adults and is characterized by the presence of more than 20% of blasts in the blood, which are young blood cells, and by the leukemic gap, which corresponds to the absence of intermediate cells between the blasts and the mature neutrophils.

The treatment of acute leukemia is done by means of blood transfusions and chemotherapy in a hospital environment until clinical and laboratory signs related to leukemia are no longer detected.

Can acute leukemia cure?

The cure in leukemia refers to the absence of signs and symptoms characteristic of leukemia in the period of 10 years after the end of treatment, without relapses.

In relation to acute myeloid leukemia, a cure is possible, due to several treatment options, however as age advances, the cure or control of the disease may be more difficult; the younger the person, the greater the chance of a cure.

In the case of acute lymphoid leukemia, the possibility of cure is greater in children, about 90%, and 50% of cure in adults up to 60 years of age, however, to increase the chances of cure and prevent recurrence of the disease, it is important that it is discovered as soon as possible and the treatment started soon after.

Even after starting treatment, the person must perform periodic examinations to check whether or not there is a recurrence and, if there is, to resume treatment immediately so that the chances of complete remission of the disease are greater.

Symptoms of acute leukemia

Symptoms of acute myeloid or lymphoid leukemia are usually:

  • Weakness, tiredness and indisposition; Bleeding from the nose and / or purple spots on the skin; Increased menstrual flow and tendency to nasal bleeding; Fever, night sweat and weight loss without apparent cause; Pain in the bones, cough and headache.

Almost half of patients have these symptoms for up to 3 months until leukemia is diagnosed through tests such as:

  • Complete blood count, which indicates leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and the presence of several young cells (blasts), whether of the myeloid or lymphoid lineage; Biochemical tests, such as uric acid and LDH levels, which are usually increased due to the increased presence of blasts in the blood; Coagulogram, in which the production of fibrinogen, D-dimer and the prothrombin time are checked - learn more about the prothrombin time examination; Myelogram, in which the characteristics of the bone marrow are checked. See what the myelogram is and what it is for.

In addition to these tests, the hematologist may request mutations by means of molecular techniques, such as NPM1, CEBPA or FLT3-ITD, in order to indicate the best form of treatment. See how molecular diagnosis is done.

Treatment for acute leukemia

The treatment for acute leukemia is defined by the hematologist according to the symptoms, test results, age of the person, presence of infections, risk of metastasis and recurrence. The treatment time can vary, with symptoms beginning to decrease 1 to 2 months after the start of polychemotherapy, for example, and the treatment can last for about 3 years.

Treatment for acute myeloid leukemia can be done through chemotherapy, which is a combination of drugs, platelet transfusion and the use of antibiotics to decrease the risk of infections, since the immune system is compromised. Learn more about treatment for acute myeloid leukemia.

In relation to treatment for acute lymphoid leukemia, it can be done through polychemotherapy, which is done with high doses of medication to eliminate the possible risk of the disease reaching the central nervous system. Learn how to treat lymphoid leukemia.

If there is a recurrence of the disease, bone marrow transplantation can be chosen because, in this case, not everyone benefits from chemotherapy. Understand how bone marrow transplantation is done.

Acute childhood leukemia

Acute childhood leukemia in general has a better prognosis than in adults, but the treatment of the disease must be carried out in a hospital environment through chemotherapy, which has side effects such as nausea, vomiting and hair loss, and therefore this period can be very exhausting for the child and the family. Despite this, children are more likely to cure the disease than adults. See what are the effects of chemotherapy and how it is done.

Can acute leukemia cure?