The main symptoms of fatty liver, which is the accumulation of fat in the liver, are abdominal discomfort and general malaise, especially in alcoholics over 60 years of age. However, other causes of the disease include type 2 diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and genetic factors.
Generally, the symptoms of fatty liver can appear when the fat in the liver exceeds 10%, characterizing grade 1 or mild liver steatosis, which rarely presents symptoms and does not cause damage to the body, as long as its cause is avoided.
Symptoms of grade 2 liver steatosis
Symptoms of grade 2 or moderate liver steatosis, as well as grade 3, occur more frequently and include:
- Excessive tiredness; Abdominal discomfort on the right side; General malaise; Headache; Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
These signs and symptoms arise when the cause of the problem is not avoided, causing a marked situation with large accumulation of fat and inflammation of the liver cells.
It is common for patients with fatty liver to be unaware of their health problem, not only because the symptoms are rare, but because, when they happen, they are usually not associated with liver problems.
Thus, the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis is often made by the general practitioner, after a routine blood test or physical examination with palpation of the abdomen. In addition, the progression of the disease can be monitored by examining Liver Elastography, which is fast and painless.
Treatment for hepatic steatosis
Treatment for hepatic steatosis should be done avoiding its cause and, therefore, in the case of alcoholics, treatment is started with a decrease in alcohol intake.
In addition, during treatment for fatty liver it is also important:
- Exercise regularlyHave a balanced diet low in fat or sugar; Increase your intake of vegetables, lean meat and fruit; Keep cholesterol levels under control.
When treatment is not done properly and the individual maintains the cause of the disease, excess fat in the liver can increase and cause severe damage to liver cells, resulting in cirrhosis. Learn more about what the Liver Fat Diet should be like.
In addition, it is important to remember that during pregnancy, the appearance of fat in the liver is a very serious complication, which can cause death of the mother and baby, so here's how to identify your symptoms.
To answer your questions, see 7 Common Questions About Liver Fat.