Iron is an essential mineral for health, as it is important for the transport of oxygen and for the formation of blood cells, the erythrocytes. Thus, the lack of iron in the body can result in characteristic symptoms of anemia, which is when there is a low amount of hemoglobin, which is one of the constituents of red blood cells responsible for the transport of oxygen throughout the body.
Iron deficiency in the body is related, in most cases, to a poor diet in foods with iron, with excessive tiredness, lack of appetite, hair loss and increased occurrence of infections, for example.
How to identify iron deficiency
The lack of iron in the body can be noticed through some symptoms, the main ones being:
- Extreme tiredness, frequent sleep or despondency; Difficulty learning or staying alert; Swollen ankles or swelling in other joints; Hair loss or weak and brittle strands; Pale skin or discolored inner lids; Lack of appetite, changes in taste or tongue smooth; frequent infections due to low immunity.
The lack of iron in the blood may be related to poor diet, that is, a diet low in iron, or the loss of large amounts of blood, either through bleeding or through a large flow during menstruation, as occurs in women who have a fibroid, for example.
How to increase the amount of iron in the body
To combat these symptoms, it is recommended to consume foods rich in iron, such as those of animal origin, as well as fruits such as dried apricot, prune and strawberries, which are rich in iron.
However, in any case, it is important to have a blood test to confirm the diagnosis and observe the iron levels. If the doctor thinks that iron levels are too low in the bloodstream, he may recommend iron supplementation, with 1 or 2 tablets for a few months. But, in general, this is reserved for individuals who have suffered from a hemorrhage, for example.