In the early stages of liver fat, also called liver steatosis, signs or symptoms are usually not noticed, however as the disease progresses and the liver is compromised, it is possible that some symptoms such as loss of appetite, whitish stools, excessive tiredness and swollen belly, for example.
As there are no characteristic symptoms in the milder and early stages of hepatic steatosis, the diagnosis usually occurs during routine examinations. The accumulation of fat in the liver is generally not a serious situation, but when it is not properly treated, it can lead to loss of cell function and cirrhosis, and it may be necessary to have a liver transplant.
Main symptoms
The signs and symptoms of fat in the liver appear as the disease progresses. If you want to know if you may have fatty liver, select your symptoms here:
- 1. Loss of appetite? Yes No
- 2. Pain in the upper right side of the belly? Yes No
- 3. Swollen belly? Yes No
- 4. Whitish stools? Yes No
- 5. Frequent tiredness? Yes No
- 6. Constant headache? Yes No
- 7. Feeling sick and vomiting? Yes No
- 8. Yellowish color in the eyes and skin? Yes No
Possible causes of liver fat
The mechanism that leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver is not yet well established, despite being widely studied. However, it is known that some conditions favor the accumulation of fat in this organ, progressively leading to loss of liver function.
People who have poor eating habits, who do not practice physical activity, who make frequent and excessive use of alcoholic beverages or who are diabetic are more likely to have fat in their liver. Learn more about the causes of fat in the liver.
How to treat
Liver fat is curable, especially when it is still in its early stages, and its treatment is done mainly with changes in diet, regular physical activity, weight loss and control of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.
In addition, it is important to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and reduce consumption of foods high in fat and simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, pizza, red meat, sausage, sausage, butter and frozen foods. Thus, the diet should be rich in whole foods, such as wheat flour, rice and whole pasta, fruits, vegetables, fish, white meats and skimmed milk and derivatives. Check out what the liver fat diet should look like.
Watch the video to find out what foods are indicated in the diet for liver fat.