The main symptom of stomach ulcer is pain in the "mouth of the stomach", which is located about 3 to 4 fingers above the navel. In general, pain appears between meals or at night, being difficult to control even with medications that improve digestion.
The ulcer is a wound in the stomach, which hurts and worsens when the gastric juice comes into contact with the wound, as this liquid is acidic and causes more irritation and inflammation in the affected area. The main cause of gastric ulcers is the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, but this problem can also appear due to stress or poor diet.
Thus, to identify the presence of gastric ulcers, one must be aware of the following symptoms:
- Feeling of a full stomach; Nausea and vomiting; Pain and burning in the middle abdomen; Very dark or reddish stools.
The presence of reddish stools or vomiting indicates bleeding in the intestine, and it is necessary to see a doctor to identify the location and cause of the problem. Ulcers are usually caused by chronic gastritis, see her symptoms here.
Diagnosis of stomach ulcer
As no symptom can be conclusive on its own, an examination is necessary for the diagnosis of the ulcer. Therefore, endoscopy is important both for diagnosis and for determining treatment, and also for the prognosis of the disease.
The doctor should take into account risk factors, such as the patient's age, medication intake and infection with Helicobacter Pylori .
Ulcer Treatment
The treatment for the ulcer is done with medications like Omeprazole or Ranitidine, which inhibit acid secretion from the stomach. It lasts, on average, 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the size of the ulcer and its location.
In ulcers infected with the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria , a group of combined antibiotics conjugated according to the medical indication, which may be Clarithromycin and Azithromycin , is associated with the therapy.