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How to identify and treat vision problems


Feeling of tired eyes, sensitivity to light, watery eyes and itchy eyes, for example, can be indicative of a vision problem, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist so that the diagnosis can be made and treatment can be started if necessary.

The treatment for vision problems varies according to the vision problem diagnosed by the doctor, and the use of eye drops may be indicated in the simplest cases, or surgery to correct vision in the most severe cases.

Main symptoms of vision problems

The symptoms of vision problems are more common in people who have a family history of eye diseases, such as myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia, for example. Thus, the main symptoms of vision problems are:

  • Excessive tearing; Hypersensitivity to light; Feeling of tired sight; Difficulty seeing at night; Frequent headache; Redness and pain in the eyes; Itchy eyes; Visualization of duplicate images; Need to close your eyes to see the focused objects; Deviation from eyes to nose or out; Need to rub eyes several times a day.

Whenever these symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist so that specific tests are done to diagnose the vision change and, thus, start the appropriate treatment. Find out how the eye exam is done.

Treatment for vision problems

Treatment for vision problems depends on the type of vision change, the most common being the use of lenses or glasses to correct the degree. In addition, in simpler cases, such as an inflammation of the eye, for example, the ophthalmologist can indicate the use of eye drops to solve the problem.

In addition, in some cases, it is also possible to opt for surgery to correct physical changes in the eye and improve vision, as is the case with Lasik, which is a surgical technique in which a laser is used. Learn more about the surgery and how recovery is performed.

How to identify and treat vision problems