The first signs and symptoms of liver problems are abdominal pain on the right side and a swollen belly, and the yellowish skin and eyes and dark, strong-smelling urine can also be noticed.
Some of the common causes of liver problems are excess fat in this organ, which occurs mainly in people who are overweight or who do not practice physical activity, frequent and excessive use of alcoholic beverages, abuse of medicines and diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, ascites, schistosomiasis and portal hypertension.
If you want to know your chances of having this disease, check your symptoms:
- 1. Pain in the upper right belly Yes No
- 2. Frequent feeling sick or dizzy Yes No
- 3. Frequent headache Yes No
- 4. Easy tiredness for no apparent reason Yes No
- 5. Ease of getting bruises Yes No
- 6. Yellowish color in the eyes or skin Yes No
- 7. Dark urine Yes No
- 8. Loss of appetite Yes No
- 9. Yellowish, gray or whitish stools Yes No
- 10. Swollen belly Yes No
- 11. Itching all over the body Yes No
In view of the presence of these symptoms, it is important to see the general practitioner or hepatologist so that the diagnosis is made and the appropriate treatment is started.
Diagnosis of liver problems
The diagnosis of liver problems is made initially through the evaluation of signs and symptoms by the doctor, who then orders a series of tests to assess the functioning of the liver, which is called a hepatogram.
The hepatogram corresponds to a set of laboratory and imaging tests that allow to know if the liver is working or not. Among the tests included are the measurement of total, direct and indirect bilirubin, albumin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), TGO / ALT, TGP / AST and prothrombin time, in addition to ultrasound and tomography. Learn more about the tests that evaluate the liver.
How is the treatment
The treatment indicated by the doctor varies according to the disease to be treated, however, in milder cases, only dietary changes may be recommended. On the other hand, in the most severe cases, in addition to the change in diet, it may also be necessary to take medications that help to reduce inflammation, cholesterol and blood glucose, which are factors that can bring further complications to the liver.
In addition, you should talk to the doctor and find out if you can complement the treatment with home remedies, such as those made with boldo, lettuce or lavender.
Food to treat the liver
In case of liver problems, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 L of water per day and to consume easily digestible and low-fat foods, such as fish, white meats, fruits, vegetables, natural juices, white cheeses and milk and skimmed derivatives.
In addition, cooked, roasted or grilled preparations should be preferred, avoiding fried foods, soft drinks, stuffed cookies, butter, red meat, sausage, sausage, bacon, chocolate and sweets in general, and it is also important to avoid the consumption of any type of drinks. alcoholic. See how the liver diet should be done.
The gastroenterologist is the specialist physician most suited for the treatment of liver disease, and he should be consulted if symptoms persist, even after dietary changes.
Watch the video and see more tips to treat liver problems: