Home Home-Remedies Labyrinthitis: 6 natural options to relieve symptoms

Labyrinthitis: 6 natural options to relieve symptoms


Labyrinthitis is usually a chronic problem that can arise several times throughout life, causing crises with very characteristic symptoms such as loss of balance, tinnitus or difficulty in focusing on vision, for example.

However, in addition to medical treatment, there are some natural ones that can not only help to relieve the symptoms of labyrinthitis more quickly but also to prevent the frequent onset of seizures:

1. Avoid fast movements

To avoid losing balance, you should avoid making quick movements and walking, if necessary, with the help of a cane, to avoid a fall. In addition, objects in the house that increase the risk of the person tripping and put non-slip mats in bathtubs should be eliminated.

If the person feels dizzy, they should sit or lie down as soon as possible, or try to fix a spot in front of them for about 10 to 15 seconds.

2. Reduce the consumption of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes

Excessive intake of coffee, alcoholic beverages and the use of cigarettes can worsen the signs and symptoms of labyrinthitis, so it is important to avoid or reduce the use of these substances.

Know the main diseases caused by the excessive use of alcoholic beverages.

3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps to reduce the symptoms of vertigo. Thus, the person must drink plenty of water, eat a healthy and balanced diet, sleep well and avoid stress.

Learn how to eat healthy.

4. Avoid processed foods

Most industrialized foods contain dyes and preservatives in their composition, which can trigger a crisis of labyrinthitis and, for this reason, should be avoided, giving preference to foods that are not processed.

Here are some healthy alternatives to processed foods.

5. Drinking Ginkgo biloba tea

A good home remedy, which can be used to combat dizziness caused by labyrinthitis, is Ginkgo biloba tea, because this plant improves blood circulation, including inside the ear, also helping to combat tinnitus.

Ginkgo Biloba tea should be taken daily, especially if the person is experiencing a period of stress, which tends to make dizziness more frequent. Learn how to prepare Ginkgo Biloba tea.

6. Do proper exercises

There are exercises that can be performed to relieve the symptoms of labyrinthitis, such as dizziness, for example. The person can do some of the exercises alone, however, some of them must be performed with the accompaniment of a physical therapist or speech therapist.

Watch the following video and see how to do these exercises:

Labyrinthitis: 6 natural options to relieve symptoms