Home Symptoms Oxyurus treatment: home remedies and options

Oxyurus treatment: home remedies and options


The treatment for oxyurus, which is a type of intestinal worm, should always be guided by a family doctor or general practitioner, in the case of the adult, or by a pediatrician, in the case of the child, but it is usually done with the ingestion of medicines antiparasitic.

Pinworm infestation is common among children who attend the same day care center, or even among siblings, as it is an easily contagious infection. Therefore, all family members should take the medicine, even if they have no symptoms.

Most used remedies for oxyurus

The remedies that are usually indicated by the doctor and that have greater action against oxyurus are:

  • Albendazole; Mebendazole; Pyrantel pamoate.

Although these drugs can be purchased over-the-counter at the pharmacy, they should only be used with the doctor's advice, as the symptoms can be caused by other types of worms that must be treated with other types of more specific remedies. See what the symptoms of oxyurus are.

How to speed up treatment

To speed up the treatment and ensure the cure of oxyurus it is also recommended to take other precautions such as:

  • Apply an ointment to oxyurus, such as Tiabendazole, for 5 days to eliminate external worms and relieve itching; Wash sheets, underwear and pajamas frequently in water with a temperature above 60ºC; Change underwear daily; Clean the toilet daily, especially after being used by those who are infected

In addition, you should throw the dirty toilet paper in the toilet, flush it out immediately and wash your hands thoroughly, as the elimination of eggs in the stool continues to happen until a week after taking the medicine.

Natural treatment option

A great natural treatment to complement the drug treatment to eliminate oxyurus is garlic tea. For this, it is necessary to boil 3 large garlic cloves with 1 cup of water, for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink warm 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

See more homemade options in the following video:

Signs of improvement

Signs of improvement in oxyurus infection appear about 2 days after starting treatment and include eliminating worms in the stool, reducing itching, relieving intestinal gas and increasing appetite.

Signs of worsening

Signs of worsening oxyurus include loss of appetite, belly pain, abdominal swelling, increased intestinal gas and weight loss, as well as skin injuries due to severe itching.

Possible complications

Complications of oxyurus infection arise when treatment is not done properly and can include weight loss due to malabsorption of nutrients and infection of the genital region, especially in women.

Oxyurus treatment: home remedies and options