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Medicines and physiotherapy for cerebral palsy


The treatment for cerebral palsy is done with several health professionals, at least a doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, dentist, nutritionist and occupational therapist are needed so that the individual's limitations are reduced and their quality of life can improve.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy, but treatment can be useful to lessen the symptoms and consequences of paralysis and orthopedic surgeries can control some deformities in the arms, hands, legs or feet to stabilize joints and relieve pain, if it is present.

Remedies for cerebral palsy

The neuropediatrician may prescribe the use of drugs to control seizures and spasticity such as baclofen, diazepam, clonazepam, dantrolene, clonidine, tizanidine, clopromazine, in addition to botox to control spasticity.

Physiotherapy for cerebral palsy

Physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy can help prepare the child to prepare to sit, stand, take a few steps or even walk, be able to pick up objects and even eat, although the help of a caregiver is always necessary to perform all these activities.

Psychomotricity is a type of physiotherapy very suitable for the treatment in case of cerebral palsy, where the exercises must be playful and can be performed on the floor, on a firm mattress or on top of a large ball, preferably facing a mirror to that the therapist has a better viewing angle and that it can also be useful to get the child's attention.

Physiotherapy is very useful because it helps to:

  • Improve the child's posture, muscle tone and breathing; Control reflexes, improve tone and facilitate movement; Increase flexibility and range of joints.

Physiotherapy sessions should preferably be carried out daily, but if the child is properly stimulated every day by his caregivers, the frequency of physical therapy can be 1 or 2 times a week.

Stretching exercises should be performed slowly and carefully, every day. Muscle strengthening is not always welcome because when there is a central injury, this type of exercise can reinforce the injury and increase spasticity.

Medicines and physiotherapy for cerebral palsy