Home Symptoms Treatment for genital warts

Treatment for genital warts


Treatment for genital warts, which are skin lesions caused by HPV and which can appear on both the male and female genitals, should be guided by a dermatologist, gynecologist or urologist.

Depending on the case and the severity of the situation, treatment can be done using creams, ointments such as Imiquimod or Podofilox, for example, or through surgery.

To effectively treat genital warts, also known as condyloma acuminata, the medicine indicated by the doctor for a few weeks should be applied to the infected area. However, healing can take a few months or even years.

Treatment for female genital warts

The treatment for female genital warts should be guided by a dermatologist or gynecologist and, normally, it is done with ointments for warts, such as Imiquimod, Podophylline, Podofilox or trichloroacetic acid, for example, which must be applied in the affected region. Discover other HPV remedies.

A small amount of the medicine should be applied to the warts that are visible, avoiding touching the medicine on healthy skin, due to the risk of irritating healthy tissues. For treatment to be more effective, women should:

  • Avoid epilation on the genital area, especially using a razor so as not to hurt the skin; Avoid wearing tight pants, as heat can lead to the spread of warts; Avoid going to the pool and saunas, as well as avoiding wet objects like beach chairs, as humidity and heat help to increase warts.

In addition, during treatment, the person can work, go to school or exercise without restrictions. It is important that the treatment is carried out as directed by the doctor and that it is continued even if there are no more symptoms for the cure of HPV to be possible. Understand when HPV is curable.

Male genital warts

Treatment for male genital warts should be guided by a dermatologist or urologist and is usually done with the application of ointment ointments, such as podophyllin, on the penis, anus or in the surrounding region such as groin or testicles, according to the location affected.

In addition, when warts are identified in an individual, the sexual partner must also be examined and treated, and the best way to avoid contamination is with the use of condoms in intimate contact. See how the treatment for HPV in men is done.

Home treatment

The home treatment for genital warts should be used in addition to the treatment indicated by the doctor and consists of daily consumption of foods that strengthen the immune system, favoring the fight against the virus responsible for the disease. Among the recommended foods are foods rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid, such as tomato, radish, orange, mango, pumpkin or echinacea tea, for example.

Another home treatment option for genital warts is sitz baths, as they also stimulate the immune system to act against the causative agent of the warts, and should be done with water and vinegar. Check out other home remedy options for genital wart.

Signs of improvement and worsening

The signs of improvement of genital warts usually appear when the person complies with the treatment, which causes the warts to start to decrease in size and to become flat, eventually falling off.

However, when the person does not comply with the treatment recommended by the doctor, it is possible to notice worsening symptoms, such as an increase in the number and size of the warts in the genital region. In this case, it is necessary to return to the doctor to change the treatment.

Complications of genital warts

Complications of genital warts arise when the treatment indicated by the doctor is not followed and the main complications include the increase in the size of the warts and the extension, in addition to the high risk of contagion of the partners. In addition, in some cases, it can progress to cancer, requiring more specific treatment.

Treatment for genital warts