Home Symptoms Symptoms of trichuris infection, life cycle and how to treat

Symptoms of trichuris infection, life cycle and how to treat


Trichuriasis is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Trichuris trichiura whose infection occurs through the consumption of water or food contaminated by feces containing eggs of this parasite. Infection with this parasite gives rise to intestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and weight loss, for example.

It is important that trichuriasis is identified and treated quickly to prevent the disease from developing and complications arising, such as rectal prolapse, for example.

The diagnosis is made by examining stool and treatment can be indicated according to the amount of parasites in the intestine and severity of symptoms, with the use of Albendazole or Mebendazole being normally indicated by the doctor.

Main symptoms

Most cases of tricuriasis are asymptomatic, however when the number of parasites is very high, some symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Diarrhea; Pain or discomfort when defecating; Frequent desire to defecate; Nausea and vomiting; Weight loss for no apparent reason, due to malabsorption caused by the presence of the parasite in the intestinal wall; Iron deficiency anemia; Constant headache.

In addition, in more severe cases, rectal prolapse may occur, in which part of the intestine passes out of the anus, this serious complication being more frequent in children. Learn more about rectal prolapse.

How diagnosis and treatment is done

The diagnosis of tricuriasis is made from the identification of Trichuris trichiura eggs in the feces, taking into account the symptoms presented by the person. If the presence of several eggs is verified in the parasitological examination of feces, an endoscopy may be indicated by the doctor so that the intestine can be evaluated and, thus, it is possible to verify the presence of adult worms adhered to the intestinal wall.

Treatment for tricuriasis is indicated when the person has symptoms, being indicated by the doctor the use of antiparasitic remedies, such as Albendazole or Mebendazole, which should be used according to the doctor's guidance.

Natural Remedies

Watch the video below for some home remedies for worms and how to protect yourself from them:

Life cycle of Trichuris trichiura

The Trichuris trichiura cycle begins when the eggs of this parasite are released into the feces into the environment. In the soil, the eggs undergo a maturation process, until they become infectious. These ripe eggs can be ingested by people through the consumption of contaminated water and food and hatch in the intestine, where they undergo a process of maturation and differentiation between male and female, which reproduce and give rise to new eggs.

Adult worms are cylindrical and measure about 4 cm, the female being larger than the male. In adulthood, this parasite is attached to the intestinal mucosa, not being eliminated in the feces. In addition, each adult female is capable of producing about 70 eggs per day, which are eliminated in the faeces. Therefore, it is important that Trichuris trichiura infection is identified quickly and the treatment started soon thereafter to prevent more adult worms from appearing and worsening of symptoms.

How to protect yourself from infection

Prevention of tricuriasis can be done through basic hygiene measures such as washing your hands before preparing meals, before eating, and always before and after going to the bathroom, in addition to avoiding getting wet in water that may be contaminated.. Check out some measures to prevent worms.

Symptoms of trichuris infection, life cycle and how to treat