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Know what high or low triglyceride can mean


Triglyceride is the smallest particle of fat circulating in the blood and has a function of storage and energy supply in case of prolonged fasting or inadequate nutrition, for example, being considered a good indicator of fat metabolism.

Triglycerides can be produced in the liver or acquired through foods such as breads, cakes, milks and cheeses.

To assess the amount of triglyceride circulating in the body, a blood sample is collected for laboratory analysis. The reference values ​​for triglycerides are:


Less than 150 mg / dL

On the edge Between 150 - 199 mg / dL
High Between 200 - 499 mg / dL
Very high Above or equal to 500 mg / dL

The increase or decrease in the concentration of triglycerides can be noticed through the accumulation of fat in the belly or in other regions of the body, formation of small pockets of pale color in the skin, malnutrition and hormonal problems.

What high triglyceride can mean

High triglycerides may indicate an increased risk of liver disease, atherosclerosis, pancreatitis, decompensated diabetes, hypothyroidism, myocardial infarction, high sugar and / or fat intake. Learn about the signs and symptoms of high triglycerides.

The increase in triglycerides in the blood occurs due to the excessive consumption of fats or carbohydrates, as well as due to the lack of physical activity. Therefore, medical follow-up is important in these cases so that a strategy is adopted that aims to reduce triglyceride levels and prevent the onset of disease, which is usually done through a balanced diet with a low amount of sugar, and physical exercise. In addition, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe some medication. Here's how to reduce triglycerides and some home remedies for triglycerides.

What low triglyceride can mean

The low triglyceride is usually indicative of hormonal problems and happens, most of the time, in case of malnutrition, malabsorption syndrome, hyperthyroidism or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Having low triglycerides is not recommended, as this means that there is low amount of energy stored in the body and available to allow the body to function normally. Thus, it is necessary to have medical monitoring in order to increase the concentration of blood triglyceride in a healthy way, which is usually done through a balanced diet. Learn more about low triglycerides.

Know what high or low triglyceride can mean