Home Symptoms Inflamed nail: how to care and remedies

Inflamed nail: how to care and remedies


The inflamed nail usually occurs when the nail is stuck, causing pain, swelling and redness. If not properly treated, it can become infected, accumulating pus on the affected finger.

The inflamed nail can also be caused by an object falling over the fingers, by a bad habit of cutting the corners of the nails, by wearing tight shoes and by infections by fungi or bacteria.

To treat the inflamed nail, you must cut the tip of the nail that is causing the inflammation with sterile scissors, apply local pain relievers to relieve pain, and in the most severe cases, have surgery to extract the nail.

Inflamed nail remedy

The remedy indicated to relieve the symptoms caused by the inflamed nail is the application of antibiotic and corticoid creams or ointments, use of oral antibiotics if necessary, and constant cleaning with antiseptic and healing solutions.

How to care for the inflamed nail

The basic care of the inflamed nail is to prevent its occurrence and are as follows:

  • Prevent the nails from jamming: always cut them straight, never at the corners, always keeping the tips free; Remove only the excess of the cuticle; Avoid wearing tight shoes and pointed toes; Use emollients and local anesthetics to reduce discomfort.

In the most severe cases, with pus pockets and spongy tissue in place, it is preferable to see a dermatologist so that inflamed tissues are removed properly, without further complications. The procedures that can be performed are described below:

  • Elevation of the corner of the nail with a spatula, away from the inflamed skin with a cotton swab; Elimination of the nail tip that is causing the inflammation, using sterile scissors; Drain the local swelling, when present; Dressing with base creams antibiotics; use of oral antibiotics, especially in cases of secondary infections.

To treat the inflamed nail more definitively, surgery can also be performed to destroy the nail matrix or extract it completely, but only as a last resort, because when the nail grows back, it may become stuck again.

Inflamed nail: how to care and remedies