The tetanus vaccine, also known as tetanus vaccine, is important to prevent the development of tetanus symptoms in children and adults, such as fever, stiff neck and muscle spasms, for example. Tetanus is a disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani , which can be found in various environments and, when present in the body, produces a toxin that can reach the nervous system, generating symptoms.
The vaccine stimulates the body to produce antibodies against this disease, protecting against possible infections by this microorganism. In Brazil, this vaccine is divided into 3 doses, being recommended to take the first during childhood, the second 2 months after the first and, finally, the third 6 months after the second. The vaccine must be reinforced every 10 years and is part of the vaccination plan. In Portugal, 5 doses of this vaccine are recommended for all women of childbearing age.
When to get the tetanus vaccine
The tetanus vaccine is recommended for children, adults and the elderly and is recommended to be taken together with the diphtheria or diphtheria and whooping cough vaccine, the latter being called DTPa. The tetanus vaccine is only used when there is no double or triple vaccine.
The tetanus vaccine should be administered directly to the muscle by a trained health professional. In children and adults, the vaccine is indicated in three doses, with an interval of 2 months between the first doses and 6 to 12 months between the second and third doses being recommended.
The tetanus vaccine provides protection for 10 years and, therefore, must be reinforced for the prevention of the disease to be effective. In addition, when the vaccine is administered after the occurrence of a high-risk injury, for example, it is indicated that the vaccine be administered in two doses with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks so that the disease is effectively prevented.
Possible side effects
The most common side effects that can be caused by the tetanus vaccine are considered local effects, such as pain and redness at the injection site. It is common that after the administration of the vaccine, the person feels the arm heavy or sore, however these effects pass throughout the day. If there is no relief of the symptom, it is recommended to apply a little ice on the spot so that improvement is possible.
In rarer cases, other effects may appear, which usually disappear after a few hours, such as fever, headache, irritability, drowsiness, vomiting, tiredness, weakness or fluid retention, for example.
The presence of some of these side effects should not be a limiting factor for vaccination. Watch the following video and check the importance that vaccination has for health:
Who should not use
The tetanus vaccine is contraindicated for patients who have fever or symptoms of infection, as well as people who are allergic to any of the components of the vaccine formula. In addition, if the woman is pregnant, breastfeeding or has a history of allergies, it is important to talk to the doctor before taking the vaccine.
The vaccine is also contraindicated in case the person experiences any reaction to previous doses, such as seizure, encephalopathy or anaphylactic shock after administration of the vaccine. The occurrence of fever after administration of the vaccine is not considered a side effect and, therefore, does not prevent other doses from being administered.