The vaccine against the H1N1 flu virus contains the fragmented inactive virus, which is sufficient to lead to the production of anti-H1N1 antibodies, protecting the person against influenza. However, although it is very rare, this vaccine can cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a degenerative neurological disease that can lead to death.
This syndrome can set in after vaccination due to an 'error' in the immune system, which instead of attacking the flu virus, starts to attack the cells of the nervous system, causing the disease.
Although there is a risk that the vaccine will cause the syndrome, this change is very rare and vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself from the H1N1 flu, a disease that can have serious complications and cause pneumonia.
How to know if the vaccine is safe
All vaccines administered in the private network or in hospitals and health posts by SUS are approved by Anvisa and, therefore, are reliable and protect the person from various diseases.
Since the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome is a very rare side effect that is not known for certain, there is no way of knowing when a person can develop the syndrome. However, if between 15 and 40 days after taking the vaccine, symptoms such as tingling, lack of strength in the muscles and difficulty making efforts appear, go to the doctor for the proper diagnosis and start of treatment.
Who should be vaccinated
Although everyone can get the flu vaccine, it is especially suitable for groups at risk, such as children, with the knowledge of the pediatrician, the elderly over 60 years, pregnant women and health professionals, because in addition to being more exposed to the virus, they can also spread the disease more easily to other people.
What is Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Guillain-Barré Syndrome is a serious autoimmune disease, in which the immune system itself attacks nerve cells, leading to inflammation in the nerves and, consequently, muscle weakness and paralysis, which can lead to death. The diagnosis of the syndrome in early stages is difficult, as the symptoms are similar to other neurological diseases, the most common being muscle weakness, tingling and loss of sensation in the limbs, pain in the legs, hips and back, palpitations, changes in pressure, difficulty breathing and swallowing, difficulty controlling urine and feces, fear, anxiety, fainting and dizziness.
The main cause of Guillain-Barré Syndrome is infections, because the most resistant microorganisms can compromise the functioning of the nervous system and the immune system.
See more about this syndrome and learn how the treatment is done.