Home Bulls Uro-vaxom vaccine against urinary tract infection

Uro-vaxom vaccine against urinary tract infection


Uro-vaxom is a vaccine for urinary infection, in the form of tablets, composed of components extracted from Escherichia coli , which acts by stimulating the body's natural defenses, being used to prevent recurrent infections of the urinary tract or as an adjunct in the treatment of acute infections urinary tract.

Uro-vaxom is produced by the Apsen Pharmaceutical laboratory and needs a prescription to be able to be purchased in pharmacies.

Uro-Vaxom price

The price of Uro-Vaxom varies between 70 to 100 reais.

Uro-Vaxom indications

Uro-Vaxom is indicated to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections, and it can also be used to treat acute urinary tract infections, along with other medicines prescribed by the doctor such as antibiotics.

Side effects of Uro-Vaxom

Side effects of Uro-Vaxom include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, redness and itching of the skin, and fever.

Uro-Vaxom does not put on weight because this side effect is not described in the package insert.

How to use Uro-Vaxom

The use of Uro-Vaxom varies according to its therapeutic objective:

  • To prevent urinary tract infections: 1 capsule daily, in the morning, on an empty stomach, for 3 consecutive months; In the treatment of acute urinary infections: 1 capsule daily, in the morning, on an empty stomach, together with the other remedies, until the symptoms. Then take Uro-Vaxom for at least another 10 days in a row.

Contraindications for Uro-Vaxom

Uro-Vaxom is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula and in children under 4 years of age.

In addition, this remedy should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, except under medical advice.

See other remedies used to treat urinary infections at:

Uro-vaxom vaccine against urinary tract infection