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How to understand the cholesterol test result


Total cholesterol should always be below 190 mg / dL. Having high total cholesterol does not always mean that the person is sick, as it can occur due to an increase in good cholesterol (HDL), which also raises the values ​​of total cholesterol. Thus, the values ​​of HDL cholesterol (good), LDL cholesterol (bad) and triglycerides should always be taken into account to analyze a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Symptoms of high cholesterol only appear when their values ​​are very high. Therefore, after 20 years of age it is recommended to perform blood tests for cholesterol at least every 5 years in healthy individuals and on a more regular basis, at least once a year, by those who already have the diagnosis of high cholesterol, who has diabetes or who is pregnant, for example. Reference values ​​for blood cholesterol control vary according to age and health status.

1. Table of reference values ​​for cholesterol

Check the desirable reference values ​​for cholesterol in the table below, according to age, by the Brazilian society of cardiology:

Type of cholesterol Reference value for adults over 20 years Reference value for children and adolescents
Total cholesterol less than 190 mg / dl less than 170 mg / dl
HDL cholesterol (good) greater than 40 mg / dl greater than 45 mg / dl
LDL cholesterol (bad)

less than 130 mg / dl - in people with low cardiovascular risk *

less than 100 mg / dl - in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk *

less than 70 mg / dl - in people at high cardiovascular risk *

less than 50 mg / dl - in people with very high cardiovascular risk *

less than 110 mg / dl

Non-HDL cholesterol

(sum of LDL, VLDL and IDL)

less than 160 mg / dl - in people with low cardiovascular risk *

less than 130 mg / dl - in people with intermediate cardiovascular risk *

less than 100 mg / dl - in people at high cardiovascular risk *

less than 80 mg / dl - in people with very high cardiovascular risk *


* Cardiovascular risk is calculated by the doctor during the consultation, and takes into account the person's risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease, such as old age, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or other heart diseases, for example.

Triglycerides, on the other hand, are another type of body fat, used as energy reserves by the body, and when they are elevated they also increase the risk of atherosclerosis deposits in blood vessels and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Table of reference values ​​for triglycerides

The table of normal values ​​of triglycerides, by age, recommended by the Brazilian society of cardiology are:

Triglycerides Adults over 20 years Children (0-9 years) Children and adolescents (10-19 years)
In fasting

less than 150 mg / dl

less than 75 mg / dl less than 90 mg / dl
No fasting less than 175 mg / dl less than 85 mg / dl less than 100 mg / dl

If you have high cholesterol see what you can do to lower these values ​​in the following video:

Why it is important to control cholesterol rates

Normal cholesterol values ​​must be maintained because it is important for the health of cells and the production of hormones in the body. About 70% of the cholesterol present in the body is produced by the liver and the rest comes from food, and only when the body has more cholesterol than it needs, does it start to be deposited inside the arteries, decreasing the blood flow and favoring the appearance of heart problems. Better understand what are the causes and consequences of high cholesterol.

See your risk of having heart problems:

Cholesterol values ​​in pregnancy

Cholesterol reference values ​​are not yet established during pregnancy, so pregnant women should be based on the reference values ​​of healthy adults, but always under medical supervision. During pregnancy, cholesterol levels are usually high, especially in the second and third semesters. Women who have gestational diabetes should be given extra attention as their cholesterol levels tend to rise further. See how to lower high cholesterol in pregnancy.

How to understand the cholesterol test result