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Veganism: what it is and how to do the vegan diet


Veganism is a movement that aims to promote the liberation of animals, as well as to enhance their rights and well-being. Thus, people who adhere to this movement not only have a strict vegetarian diet, but also do not make use of any product that is related to animals.

The vegan person usually has restrictions related to clothing, entertainment and food of animal origin. Thus, it is important that the vegan person seeks guidance from a nutritionist to indicate an adequate diet and meet all nutritional needs.

What is the difference between vegan and vegetarian

Vegetarianism is usually related to the consumption of foods that are not of animal origin, and can be classified into:

  1. Ovolactovegetarians, who are those people who do not eat meat; Lactovegetarians, who besides meat do not consume eggs; Strict vegetarians, who do not consume meat, eggs, milk and dairy products. Vegans, who in addition to not consuming food products of animal origin, also do not use any product that has been tested on animals or derived from them, such as wool, leather or silk, for example.

Thus, all vegans are strict vegetarians, but not all strict vegetarians are vegans, as they can make use of animal products, such as some cosmetics. Learn more about the differences between the types of vegetarianism.

Advantages and disadvantages of veganism

Some research has shown that a strict vegetarian diet is associated with lower chances of obesity and cardiovascular problems, such as atherosclerosis, for example. In addition, veganism is responsible for promoting animal welfare, preserving life and combating the exploitation of animals in order to produce materials and products for consumption.

Although vegans follow a diet rich in carbohydrates, omega-6, fiber, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin C and E, there may be a deficiency of B vitamins, omega-3 and high quality protein sources, which can interfere with functioning of some functions of the organism. To supply these deficiencies, flaxseed oil can be used as a source of omega-3 and manipulated supplements of vitamin B12, which can be prescribed by the doctor or nutritionist. To increase protein consumption, it is important to include foods such as quinoa, tofu, chickpeas and mushrooms in the diet, for example.

It is important that the strict vegetarian diet is done under the guidance of a nutritionist so that all nutritional needs are met, avoiding anemia, atrophy of muscles and organs, lack of energy and osteoporosis, for example.

What to eat

The vegan diet is usually rich in vegetables, legumes, cereals, fruits and fiber, and may include foods such as:

  • Whole grains: rice, wheat, corn, amaranth; Legumes: beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peas, peanuts; Tubers and roots: English potatoes, parsnips, sweet potatoes, cassava, yams; Mushrooms; Fruits; Vegetables and greens; Seeds such as chia, flaxseed, sesame, quinoa, pumpkin and sunflower; Oilseeds like chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts; Soy derivatives: tofu, tempeh, soy protein, miso; Others: seitan, tahini, vegetable milks, olive oil, coconut oil.

It is also possible to make dumplings, hamburgers and other preparations using only animal foods, such as bean or lentil hamburgers, for example.

What to avoid

In the vegan diet, all kinds of animal foods should be avoided, such as:

  • Meat in general, chicken, fish and seafood; Milk and dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, curd and butter; Inlaid as sausage, sausage, ham, bologna, turkey breast, salami; Animal fats: butter, lard, bacon; Honey and honey products; Gelatin and collagen products.

In addition to not eating meat and animal-derived foods, vegans also do not usually consume other products that have any source of animal origin, such as shampoos, soaps, makeup, moisturizers, gelatin and silk clothes, for example.

Vegan Diet Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu for vegans:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 glass of almond drink + 3 whole toast with tahini fruit smoothie with coconut milk + 1 col of flaxseed soup 1 soy yogurt + 2 slices of whole grain bread with tofu
Morning snack 1 banana with 1 col of peanut butter soup 10 cashew nuts + 1 apple 1 glass of green juice with flaxseed
Lunch dinner tofu + wild rice + vegetable salad sauteed in olive oil wholemeal pasta with soy meat, vegetables and tomato sauce lentil burger + quinoa + raw salad with vinegar and olive oil
Afternoon snack 2 col of dried fruit soup + 1 col of pumpkin seed soup 1/2 avocado seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper and carrot sticks banana smoothie with coconut milk

It is important to remember that the vegan must have the diet prescribed by a nutritionist, as nutritional needs vary according to age, gender and health conditions.

For more tips, check out in this video what the vegetarian normally does not consume:

Veganism: what it is and how to do the vegan diet